New Farmer Riverbend Springs Stories Farming Simulator 25 - PMC Farming

New Farmer Riverbend Springs PMC Farming Simulator 25 (FS25) Stories. This story is about me playing FS25 at day one (or is it day zero heh) right at the game release day, first time game-play. You can follow me on a journey to grow my small New Farmer savegame into better vehicles, equipment and larger farmland area.

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2024-11-19 New Equipment and Vehicle Purchases

2024-11-19T00:38:30Z New farming day has started, been awake a while, did all the computer morning chores, ate days first meal while proof watching new farmer riverbend springs FS25 videos, then deleted source files of those watched videos and created S01E04 through S01E09 kdenlive video rendering project files, then started to render them and now booted up PMC Gaming computer for some farmsim fun.

This savegame now has 89hrs 0min on it.

Yesterday I was thinking of going all in with bank loan, right now my budget is 533.5k so if I were to buy farmland with that money, then take the bank loan it should give me decent amount. Or dunno maybe its just reading all assets or is it called "net worth" or something, then it wont matter if you have no land and half a million in bank or a lot of land and ten thousand in the bank. But anyways, just maxing out the loan and going all in risk on, either you make it or burn everything to the ground.

Hmm not sure if its even possible to fail in farmsim games, I mean even if you just own a seeder, harvester and a grain trailer... harvest fields and directly dump into a closest selling point, you are still making progress, there is just no way to fail in farmsim, its just matter of how quickly you get into big money and owning all the farmland in the terrain.

Kind of depressing game, "every child is a winner", "getting a trophy just by participating" type of stuff, heh ouch. I wonder why nobody has created a mod where you could actually fail, like sure we have tornado now in FS25 and also hale, but still those wont completely ruin your farming business if they hit real bad. There is no drought or floods or anything. Not sure how regular events those are for american farmers, even in drought things just are not so great instead of total crop loss burnt to the ground type of thing. Oh that also, wildfires, your field catches fire days before you are ready to harvest it, that would suck.

But then again, if I do a lot of field work, fertilize, cultivate, fertilize second layer, seed and then herbicide spray... and then some weather event came or drought or flood and wiped everything away, even if it was somehow very low percentage possibility random event, it would definitely suck as you could not do anything to it. Maybe if you could see weather forecast in advance somehow but I guess in real life you cant weather forecast droughts and such.

Anyways, I'm just so sick and tired of this everyone is a winner attitude, if there is no danger there is no thrill, I mean why would I play this boilerplate spoon fed grind where outcome if guaranteed before you even create a savegame, its only matter of how many 17hrs days it takes you to get there. For example in ArmA 3 as its infantry and combined arms combat, if you leave your character standing around in the open while going to the restroom, you most likely will return to a death screen as you got shot dead, there is no such danger or risk in farmsim games, its just grind towards guaranteed progress no matter how bad or good your game-play is.

Hmm wow, am I sounding a bit morbid this morning or what, huh!? Smiley :D

Nah its all good, just thinking out loud, food for thought...

So its now jun in-game 0950hrs, my soybeans on F05 are growing, canola is growing and should be good to go pretty soon. I guess there is still a bit time for me to think things through over this harvest season to make my decision about all in bank loan. Plenty of time. But for now, time acceleration continues.

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2024-11-19T00:57:34Z Started harvesting canola F02, manually GPS.

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

Today as its middle of the night and no way giants releases giants editor v10 in several hours, probably half a day actually, I shut off discord and didn't even open twitch fs25 category. Not sure how that will last as I get bored on long field work tasks, but so far so good. I just hate the waste of time discord activity. That Sea Power devil who lured me back in there in the first place, but perhaps I would have returned anyways with fs25 release and I will be hanging out there some more fore sure, when giants editor v10 comes out and so on, also to collect intelligence passively even if I don't chat myself, just transparently lurk there with away status being on grey.

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2024-11-19T01:35:26Z Finished harvesting canola F02.

Canola F02 yield was 14.9k so not much.

2024-11-19T01:39:35Z Started fertilizing F02, manually GPS.

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

2024-11-19T01:44:06Z Finished fertilizing F02.

It was done fast, nice. First layer of fertilizer in place.

Was browsing statistics menu, my time used in this savegame was interesting discovery, cultivation time is 3hrs 16min, plow time 36min, seeding time 2hrs 43min, sprayer (includes both spreading and spraying) time 1hrs 35min and harvesting time 6hrs 31min. Oh wow interesting, I had no idea my harvesting tasks are taking that much time, I mean yes its a starter combine harvester but to have it DOUBLE cultivating time which is done sometimes twice (rarely, but it happens), yeah that is kind of reminder that hmm perhaps its time to upgrade that massey ferguson mf 8570 pretty soon Smiley :o

2024-11-19T02:04:16Z Was on challenger mt665, unhooked bredal k105 and then tried to hook it up with kverneland optima rs planter when the same error came up in the log, also when I tried to exit tractor another error came up, so saved game and exited fs25, again.

Then booted it right back up again, but this is a good place to take a restroom break.

Attempted to start planting canola on F02 but because its harvested... kverneland optima rs cannot do it as it is not a direct drill implement, sign. Okay so going to shallow cultivate the field, fertilize because cultivating and then seed, okay okay... Smiley :(

2024-11-19T02:20:18Z Started cultivating F02, manually GPS.

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2024-11-19T02:37:43Z Finished cultivating F02.

2024-11-19T02:39:59Z Started fertilizing F02, manually GPS.

2024-11-19T02:43:43Z Finished fertilizing F02.

2024-11-19T02:47:26Z Started planting canola F02, manually GPS.

2024-11-19T02:58:57Z Finished planting canola F02.

Saved game, alarm went off just before finishing that field work task, now its lunch break...

2024-11-19T03:51:38Z Feeding time is over, back to farming.

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

2024-11-19T03:58:07Z Started harvesting soybeans F05, manually GPS.

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2024-11-19T05:03:32Z Finished harvesting soybeans F05.

Aand another soybeans harvest is in the bag, uuaah.

That harvest got me 18.3k liters of soybeans, oh man these amounts are pitiful Smiley :o

Saved game. Kind of feeling like slightly blah, not very enthusiastic to farm some more as this progress seems to be so slow, feels like in one gaming day I can barely do noticeable damage to the progress of growing my farm, hmm.

2024-11-19T05:38:56Z Took an extended restroom break, was thinking that now I need to shift this savegame into the next gear, I'm simply bored playing this little girlie men pixel porno claustrobhopic horror terrain, cant wait for giants editor v10 to come out but since there is no certainty when that happens I need to make something happen in this savegame to keep it interesting, I cant keep grinding with puny implements like I've done so far, I could probably play another week before seeing tangible progress. So I'm going to max out that bank loan. First I'm going to buy farmland to turn cash into property asset, I'm also wondering does game count my canola and soybeans grain in the bin for my assets, hmm I highly doubt that, it must be only cash, farmland and vehicles.

Purchased farmland ID 6 (3.76ha) for 225.6k, farmland ID 7 (3.1ha) for 185.7k, farmland ID 9 (1.99ha) for 119.2k, budget now 3.1k.

Fields statuses are as follows: F09 ready to harvest cotton, 100% fertilized, needs plowing. F07 ready to harvest corn, 100% fertilized, needs plowing. F06 harvested, 100% fertilized, needs plowing. Looks like its going to be a big plowing operation to make these one unified field, takes care of the plowing status at the same time.

Then maxed out bank loan, it gave me 995k hmm okay was not what I expected, or hmm was the limit 500k originally and now with equipment and farmland its raised to one million, hmm I guess. Budget now 998.1k.

Decided to sell off the massey ferguson mf 8570 combine harvester, she served me well but now she's gotta go as bigger things are on their way.

Sold mf 8570 header trailer for 130, yes one hundred and thirty bucks haha. Sold mf 8570 header for 900 oh geez these values. Sold mf 8570 combine harvester for 15.8k oh wow harvesters go cheap these days, if I would get them at that price I could have bought few more and use AI hired worker on them, heh nah just kidding.

Budget now 1.015m whee I'm a millionaire! Smiley :D

- header 8.5m 10km/h case ih 3050 terraflex 28ft 48k
- harvester 10.5k liters case ih axial-flow 7150 301.5k

2024-11-19T06:05:05Z Purchased the above list, budget now 665.5k. Oh wow that harvester took a big dent on my budget, yikes! Smiley :o

Actually I didn't even check out the prices on those larger combines, for these amount of fields I have now, this will do just fine before getting that loan paid off.

Technically speaking I do have cultivator, planter and grain trailer, but man I would need a plow, also this is a big problem because in-game there are no good plows, so called square plows as community seems to call them, ie other than moldboard plows. Hmm I think its time to search, download and install some cultivator plow pack where all these giants cultivators have been turned into plows. However dunno how cheaty they are, guess its acceptable realism balance as there is no american plows available.

Forgot one thing; purchased - header trailer nardi n70-30 10.5k so I can actually move this combine around, even from the dealership to my farm yard, I don't think it can cross the bridge with header on, not sure.

2024-11-19T06:22:52Z Saved game and exited fs25, I need to boot up quarantine mod-set and quickly test one of those cultivator plow pack implements and hmm some other mod was on my mind as well, but this will not turn into hours long testing session, its quick in and out, then back to farming.

2024-11-19T07:07:36Z Well the good sounding cultivator plow pack had error in it, so delete. Also I really don't want to bring back that nz extreme configured as plow because it has 55km/h speed and ridiculous unfolding/folding animation speed, it feels silly. Getting quite frustrated here as now I don't know what cultivator plow setup to use, don't really feel like starting to learn how to make that config change on my own, hrr.

To hell with that, I'll make a quick in-game solution; disable plowing, problem solved. Heh its giants moldboard plow focused feature anyways, I'll play realistically american farming so I don't need that forced red color on PDA mapview for european plowing stuff.

Yeah now my life just got that much easier. But yeah I have to visit this issue sometime in the future, but now its not the time.

2024-11-19T07:13:42Z All done, fs25 booting back up.

Now I have combine harvester, grain trailer, cultivator although quite small and somewhat small planter, hmm.

My brand new purchase.

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

Drove case ih axial-flow 7150 harvester to the farm yard. Then purchased farmland ID 8 (3.3ha) for 197.7k. Then borrowed more money from the bank, loan now 1.150m and budget 612.3k.

Deeper into the abyss with the loan, haha. But hey now would be great if I could spare to buy larger horsepower tractor which could pull some nicer cultivator or shallow cultivator.

2024-11-19T07:23:27Z In game settings disabled plowing, I'm done with moldboard plowing, will do tillage instead.

I was unsure if all case ih tractors have messed up steering in fs25 so I saved game and decided to do my next purchase with case ih tractor, but if it turns out to be garbage then I just restart game to restore the save from before buying it.

- tractor 435hp 50km/h case ih magnum 400 powerdrive 382k
- disc harrow 330hp 10.5m 18km/h farmet softer 11 ps 95k

2024-11-19T07:33:48Z Purchased the above list, budget now 135.3k.

Tested case ih magnum 400 powerdrive and it works as designed, no steering issues, good. Okay now I have 18km/h and 10.5m wide disc harrow which takes care of my field work until something bigger comes along.

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

Hmm but darn, I wanted to plow these new fields together, hmm, there is no create new fields with cultivator mod yet so cant do it with that disc harrow. Sure its not the end of the world but for example steering assist will be annoying as it only does its thing for one field at the time. Hmm, do I really have to restart one more time, lease some big tractor and that nz extreme configured as plow, hmm man that sucks, I don't want to go through that hustle Smiley :(

Decided to go cultivate F08 while I consider what to do with field merging.

2024-11-19T07:42:20Z Started cultivating F08, manually GPS.

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

2024-11-19T07:52:25Z Finished cultivating F08.

Cant think of any other choice than to lease monster equipment to plow merge the other fields together, but for that I need to add the vaderstad nz extreme plow temporarily in again, sigh, but oh well its gotta be done, otherwise those three fields annoy me everytime I go by them not to mention field work them.

2024-11-19T07:53:56Z Saved game and exited fs25 for mod-set change.

2024-11-19T07:59:24Z Booted fs25 back up, leased vaderstad nz extreme 1425 "plow" and fendt 1050 vario with twin wheels, this will get the job done.

2024-11-19T08:01:46Z Started plowing fields F09, F07 and F06 together.

2024-11-19T08:19:47Z Done and returned leased vehicles, budget now 108.2k and brand new field F06 is good to go Smiley :)

Going to do another restart shuffle to remove that vaderstad nz extreme plow from this mod-set.

2024-11-19T08:23:57Z Okay hopefully now for the last time today fs25 booted up and farming continues. I really hated that artificial plow merge thing with leased vehicles, felt so stupid, there should have been paintable ground textures which would have included plowed or other field texture as well, hopefully such mod comes soon.

Anyways, if I recall correctly kverneland optima rs was not a direct drill so I have to disc harrow cultivate my new F06.

2024-11-19T08:25:48Z But just as I was planning that alarm went off for days third meal, its feeding time...

2024-11-19T08:53:37Z Feeding time is over, back to farming, days last section begins, next up is bed time. Hopefully can get some nice farming done here, or who knows maybe giants editor v10 gets released within the next few hours.

2024-11-19T08:56:44Z Started fertilizing F05, manually GPS.

2024-11-19T09:02:57Z Finished fertilizing F05.

Then quickly fertilized outer edge of F06.

2024-11-19T09:12:22Z Started cultivating F06, manually GPS.

2024-11-19T09:27:50Z Finished cultivating F06.

Sold kuhn prolander 7500 for 19.3k, it was not needed anymore. Budget now 127.7k.

2024-11-19T09:39:34Z Started fertilizing F05, manually GPS.

2024-11-19T09:45:36Z Finished fertilizing F05.

2024-11-19T09:48:40Z Started cultivating F06, manually GPS.

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

2024-11-19T10:15:16Z Finished cultivating F06.

Preparations for the next planting season are all done, hmm guess now its just time accelerating until apr soybeans planting season begins, hmm or did I have some canola sell coming up before that hmm.

Looks like nov is canola best market price, so in-game tomorrow get to sell the little canola that I have.

Nov in-game 0957hrs, overnight loan interest 3.8k yikes! Smiley :o

2024-11-19T10:23:38Z Sold 14.9k liters of canola at grain barge terminal 2 for 32.3k, budget now 155.9k.

Purchased 5 big bags of seeds for 6.3k. Just in case time accelerating to next year will eat all my budget with those loan interests.

2024-11-19T10:56:20Z Getting really tired now, not so much yawning but just lack of mental energy to farm when facing soybeans planting season with kverneland optima rs, it just feels like ugh no more please, hehe. But hmm still have three hours in my bed time alarm left, dunno what would I do that time if I stop farming. If I had better planter, like a big air drill then I would continue but not with small kverneland steering assistant driving.

So I'm going to call it a day here regarding farming, maybe I get around to organize some already downloaded mods and their descriptions, also maybe some other preparations for giants editor v10 arrival, not sure, most likely I'll just relax/idle before crashing to bed.

Whats in for tomorrow, well disappointment if GE v10 didn't get released today, dunno maybe I could continue some farming.

My FS25 celebration junk foods and desserts are running low, I believe all expensive desserts and junk foods are now ran out in my freezer, there is still one container in the fridge, but not sure maybe this "two weeks of non stop fs25 after release" is coming to an end soon even though its only been exactly one week since release, in fact its getting close to the hour of release one week ago. Hmm I might have to write this down that if I want to arrange similar new farmsim game celeberation two week luxurious junk food session then I need double the amount of stuff I ordered for fs25 Smiley :)

Maybe this two week of celebratory junk foods and desserts is too much, I feel like kid who got loose in a candy store after eating too much sugary candies hehe. I cant wait until all that junk has ran out and I get to go back to my regular good food that I have to actually cook myself, yeah it might not taste as sexy as junk foods but at least its healthy and doesn't leave you feeling like bloated turd every day.

So all in all, hmm I'm not going to outright stop playing fs25, but perhaps there is significant slow down coming up now. I am still hopeful that GE v10 gets released very soon and that opens up a whole new phase in my life as I start to create and edit PMC terrains for fs25.

2024-11-19T11:09:03Z Saved game and shut down fs25, now I'll rest, relax and wait GE v10 until its my bed time, nites.

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