New Farmer Riverbend Springs Stories Farming Simulator 25 - PMC Farming

New Farmer Riverbend Springs PMC Farming Simulator 25 (FS25) Stories. This story is about me playing FS25 at day one (or is it day zero heh) right at the game release day, first time game-play. You can follow me on a journey to grow my small New Farmer savegame into better vehicles, equipment and larger farmland area.

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2024-11-12 Day One Farming With FS25

2024-11-12T01:48:17Z New farming story has been created, New Farmer Riverbend Springs FS25 ! Smiley :)

Yeah please read my previous install and release farm story page first to know how I ended up here in my very first savegame for FS25.

Okay so FS25 has been configured for video preset Medium now, it gives me 60FPS max but with some heavy polygon scenes dipping to 51FPS or so, that is good enough for me to get started. Now its time to load the game up once again and actually start farming.

2024-11-12T01:54:08Z Alright savegame loaded, OBS recorded video about browsing through all the menus. Some interesting changes there, but I immediately spotted on bug or stupid feature, when you hit ESC for map view, move the PDA map, then switch vertical tabs and come back to PDA its again defaulting to the stupid W side location, heh. Edit 2024-11-27T12:11:15Z, PDA map view actually centers on your vehicle or character automatically regardless where map was located/zoomed previously. I really don't like this feature, at all.

Icons in the menus have been changed to more "artistic" hand painted ones, however I immediately got the gut feeling that these feel like they are made for young children, this is very alarming... is giants and farmsim really turning into complete KIDZ game, that would be really bad. I mean sure we can replace the icons but its just extra work for realistic american GROWN UP farming Smiley :(

But anyways, so this is new farmer game-mode, my budget is 100,000 which means 100k as k for thousands and m for millions numbering in my stories. I have bunch of vehicles as new farmer game-modes always have. Its in-game aug 0831hrs.

Here is the list of riverbend springs new farmer game-mode vehicles: challenger mt625 tractor, farmtech edk 650 trailer, great plains solid stand 500 planter (or dunno if its a seeder), john deere 3650 tractor, john deere 980 cultivator (I think), massey ferguson mf 8570 combine harvester, massey ferguson mf 8570 header and massey ferguson mf 8570 trailer (header trailer).

As for animals I have 3 angus cows, age 50 months, health and reproduction both 0% ouch. Productivity and water are both 0% too. Food is zero for everything player is supposed to bring to the animals, but the "meadow" is 40% which is 1.3k liters.

Hmm not sure about the animals, I would probably want to get into them but I do feel like doing old school new farmer start and I'm going to sell animals off now.

2024-11-12T02:08:26Z Sold 3 angus cows for 3.2k, budget now 103.2k, okay is a start Smiley :)

2024-11-12T02:10:29Z Saved game, exited to main menu, then changed video options to windowed mode, I want to see the game in the background when ALT-TABbing to notepad++ to write these stories, for example as simple as writing down budget, its easy to see it and in-game time on the background when game runs in windowed mode.

Also taking first restroom break here, been holding out a while as been excited to get this FS25 session going Smiley ;)

2024-11-12T02:17:38Z Back in the game, okay I need to finish selling that cow pasture I think.

Sold cow pasture placeable for 7.5k, budget now 110.7k.

Okay what next, hmm heh feeling kind of overwhelmed here, need to make a good decision what to do next and have this excess flow of information about all the new stuff, I feel like I could spend few HOURS browsing the menus looking at the new things in there. But guess I'll have plenty of time for that, I want to get into farming, its now aug so hmm do I have any crops planted, hmm.

I have a odd streak of wheat ready to harvest on F02 and F05 is normal canola ready to harvest field.

I own all together F02, F03, F04 and F05.

2024-11-12T02:29:29Z Started harvesting canola F05, manual driving.

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

My first ever field work in FS25 whohoo! Smiley :D

2024-11-12T02:42:28Z Finished harvesting canola F05.

So cool to have finished my first ever harvest in FS25 Smiley :cool:

I'm feeling good, FS25 so far, feels... it feels good, I mean I have not wandered further out than my own farm yard but so far I'm feeling good about it, not amazed mind blown or anything like that no, but I'm happy, I feel good kind of satisfied that so far I'm liking FS25. Please note that I spent the last two weeks playing Sea Power 17hrs/day, my last time in FS19 or FS22 was... a long time ago, several weeks I think, I'd like to say more than a month, well more than a month but I cant remember as I didn't write any stories about it. For example since september 2024 I've been just working on website HTML edits and linux configuration, so my point is that maybe I feel so excited and enthusiastic about farming now IN GENERAL and its nothing to do with FS25, I would be as much excited as playing FS19/FS22, I don't know Smiley :?

But I feel good about FS25 and farming with it, guess that sums it up Smiley :)

Jumped into john deere 3650 tractor, hooked it up with farmtech edk 650 trailer and unloaded massey ferguson MF 8570 harvester to it, canola 6.1k liters was the yield on F05.

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

Dumped the grain to my farm grain bin (since my last story I have learned to say "grain bin" instead of "grain bin silo" because bin is for grain and silo is for animal feed, all these years I've been saying "bin silo" which makes no sense, DOH hehe anyways live and learn).

2024-11-12T03:00:50Z Okay starting to harvest that small streak of wheat in F02, not sure what that was all about, its few passes and done small area so wont be listing it officially with proper copy-paste texts Smiley :)

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

Once done emptied mf 8570 harvester into farmtech edk 650 trailer. Then dumped the trailer to farm grain bin (almost wrote " silo" with muscle memory haha).

Okay what left there was to harvest is now done, next seasonal event is ... now actually, canola planting season is on, wheat and barley planting season begins next month. Hmm this is now interesting question should I plant canola immediately today or time accelerate into next years apr for soybeans planting season, hmm, yeah I'm going for the soybeans, its what makes money Smiley :)

So first up is to fertilize all existing fields I own. All the fields need fertilizing, okay got a good task to do then, fert-cult-fert.

2024-11-12T03:15:57Z Alarm went off for lunch break, this is my first official FS25 celebration with junk food and desserts, this will be so enjoyable, first lunch type is oven heated meal so going to fire it up for 12min heating up, then 5min baking/cooking and then eating. So hmm yeah I'll start this process now but continue farming as much as I can.

2024-11-12T04:13:25Z Feeding time is over, back to farming full time.

Well it ended up me chatting with jdunn1019 on discord while eating, so I didn't do absolutely nothing in FS25 Smiley :)

But now I'm back, alarm on the phone for the next meal is 4hrs 30min, up until then its nothing but farming.

Edit 2024-11-27T12:36:03Z, while proof reading this first page I still vividly remember how excited I was at that time, I was fully enjoying myself with this pre-planned two week FS25 celebration with junk food and desserts, nothing but 17hrs farming in my underwear (haha) not caring about the world around me and eating luxury foods heh, yeah good times, good times... making good memories. I am so happy these farmsim stories get written so while these memories fade over the years, at least there is a written word (along with screenshots and videos) to remind me of the good times Smiley :)

Okay so now I need a fertilizer, I don't have that piece of equipment, so time to go check the vehicle shop aka the dealership for the first time.

Was browsing the dealership menu, was really disappointed to see that Bredal K165 is not there, aww maan Smiley :(

Oh well guess I need to wait for some mod group to release it ported from FS22 to FS25. Until then looks like its either K105 or amazone zg-ts 10001 spreaders.

- spreader amazone za-ts 3200 25k

Purchased the above list, budget now 85.8k. Now if I would only find where the dealership is Smiley :o

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

Drove john deere 3650 tractor to the dealership and hooked up amazone za-ts 3200 spreader, then needed to purchase some fertilizer.

Purchased 3 big bags of solid fertilizer for 5.7k, budget now 80k.

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

Then I refilled 3k liters of solid fertilizer into sprader, now when I drove JD 3650 it did wheelies, the weight was too much on the spreader side, ouch. Do I need to buy front weight now heh.

2024-11-12T04:36:23Z At this point I realized that OBS is fucked up, it captured like 1920x1080 pixel top-left corner area from my 3840x2160 4k screen, sigh Smiley :evil:

So now I need to reconfigure and RE-VERIFY that it records properly, aww maan this sucks I recorded already some good first ever farming experience in fs25 and now its all lost Smiley :(

Edit 2024-11-27T12:47:42Z, well luckily I still got screenshots at least.

Oh well what can ya do, moving on...

2024-11-12T04:40:03Z Okay OBS configured, test capture done and verified, its now 4k 3840x2160 full resolution, OK done. Sigh once more.

2024-11-12T04:43:00Z Started fertilizing F05, manual driving.

2024-11-12T04:45:10Z Finished fertilizing F05.

Hmm field fertilized texture bugged somehow, it lagged and ... it acted oddly, difficult to explain, it just was lagging behind the fertilizing tractor, very strange.

2024-11-12T04:46:14Z Started fertilizing F04, manual driving.

2024-11-12T04:47:42Z Finished fertilizing F04.

Something is definitely bugging in fertilizing field surface, maybe it could be the medium settings not sure.

2024-11-12T04:49:21Z Started fertilizing F03, manual driving.

2024-11-12T04:51:45Z Finished fertilizing F03.

2024-11-12T04:52:22Z Started fertilizing F02, manual driving.

2024-11-12T04:56:12Z Finished fertilizing F02.

And now restroom break before continuing.

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

2024-11-12T05:10:11Z Started cultivating F05, manual driving.

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

2024-11-12T05:26:02Z Finished cultivating F05.

Whoah that took a while with john deere 980 cultivator, its 4m wide, ouch Smiley :o

2024-11-12T05:27:27Z Started cultivating F04, manual driving.

2024-11-12T05:38:34Z Finished cultivating F04.

This field was annoying as it was already cultivated and only difference was the shade of fertilizer darker wet color on it.

2024-11-12T05:40:14Z Started cultivating F03, manual driving.

2024-11-12T05:55:37Z Finished cultivating F03.

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

Last field is F02 which is harvested wheat so its clear to see where I have cultivated before unlike the past two fields which were honestly quite horrible to do "blindly" like that.

2024-11-12T05:58:33Z Started cultivating F02, manual driving.

2024-11-12T06:25:09Z Finished cultivating F02.

That was quite ... long task even for these tiny fields, this 4m implement was brutal. I have not played farmsim for over a month (well over a month, probably two) and I've only played brand new shiny FS25 for few hours and I am already bored... of using 4m implement Smiley :)

Yeah how about never doing even this few fields with such puny implement, its simply not fun. I mean it was difficult to operate as it was so narrow, those turns were really tough and the overall progress was painfully slow. Not sure what contracts etc I have to do but for the next season I already need better equipment for sure, no more 4m cultivator.

2024-11-12T06:32:16Z Started fertilizing F05, manually GPS.

2024-11-12T06:34:08Z Finished fertilizing F05.

First time ever using Giants new FS25 steering assist, aka GPS. Hmm not sure how it actually works, its very confusing how it did that field, one headland and ... had real problems activating it, in the end its very easy with just H key, but the lines are not properly visible so you're just guessing that where the hell am I supposed to drive here. But maybe the field size and shape was just real bad for my first attempt.

2024-11-12T06:37:28Z Started fertilizing F04, manually GPS. Actually did first pass already heh, this is so hectic, confusing, learning experience Smiley :)

2024-11-12T06:38:46Z Finished fertilizing F04.

2024-11-12T06:39:20Z Started fertilizing F03, manually GPS.

2024-11-12T06:41:26Z Finished fertilizing F03.

2024-11-12T06:41:59Z Started fertilizing F02, manually GPS.

2024-11-12T06:45:13Z Finished fertilizing F02.

Took fraction of the time compared to cultivating with 4m implement Smiley :)

Checked PDA mapview and uh oh all fields needs plowing, yikes. That would require a high horsepower plow and I don't have anything more than hmm 160hp challenger mt635 and even lesser horsepower john deere 3650. Guess I'm starting to do contracts then Smiley :)

Oh btw at this point I realized, or well had a time to write it down, quite drastic change actually, looks like FS25 has no fields, just farmlands. Yep, no fields in traditional FS17, FS19 and FS22 sense, no field numbers, just farmlands. Now this is a very bad news for large terrain developers because if you want to do large terrain with many fields like more than 256 fields... you cant, because one field needs to be one farmland. If giants didn't upgrade farmland image handling its still limited to 256 colors which means same amount of farmlands and in FS25 case fields. This really sucks Smiley :(

Went through the contracts board, umm what is this... none of the contracts pay any good money, at all. But of course my world view might be twisted because past few years of FS22 game-play has been on huge PMC american terrains which have large fields with contracts that often times pay hundreds of thousands, so now that I see riverbend springs paying 1-5 thousand on average, sometimes less than a thousand... I'm asking myself that what the hell is this crap Smiley :D

Yeah this is kind of scary, I am not going to be making any good money with these contracts, but guess I have to try. Going to start taking them one by one, not being picky just going from top to bottom on contracts board.

2024-11-12T07:06:03Z Accepted contract bale wrapping F12, borrowed vehicles.

Borrowed vehicle was some odd telehandler with fork type attacher on it, weird stuff. Also distance from the dealership to the F12 (farmland 12) was great, had to go around quite a bit because of the stupid river.

But first before beginning wrapping, a restroom break...

2024-11-12T07:21:19Z Back, had to stop by at my editing computer to post alarming topic to PMC Tactical Forum about FS25 Riverbend Springs not having any fields just farmlands. Okay now back to farming while pondering things...

2024-11-12T07:22:08Z Started contract bale wrapping F12, manual driving.

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

2024-11-12T07:27:50Z Finished contract bale warapping F12, collected reward 2.4k.

Hehe 2.4k, oh wow, I'm stunned, I need to lie down... Smiley :rolleyes:

2024-11-12T07:29:42Z Accepted contract bale wrapping F45, borrowed vehicles.

To travel into F45 I decided to use the ferry for a shortcut, however there was a barge of some sorts passing by so had to wait a bit. I guess, in some small way, this was "nice", at least something new, but I cannot imagine this kind of nonsense work along regular game-play, I mean how would autodrive handle such stupid barges sailing in the waters, yeah this is little girlie men pixel porno nonsense for those weak minded children.

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

Well wow, that ferry with barge waiting was beyond stupid, oh shit man, haha!

2024-11-12T07:37:55Z Started contract bale wrapping F45, manual driving.

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

2024-11-12T07:45:06Z Finished contract bale wrapping F45, collected reward 5k.

Budget now 85.7k.

These two bale wrapping contracts weren't too bad, but still considering making money, heh yeah let me know when the money comes into play as I've sure as hell have not seen it yet Smiley ;)

2024-11-12T07:47:02Z Accepted contract baling F50, borrowed vehicles.

2024-11-12T07:51:55Z Started contract baling F50, manual driving.

This field was STRAW round baling.

2024-11-12T08:04:37Z Finished contract baling F50, collected reward 5.4k.

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

At this point I'm feeling somewhat tired in the eyes, they are sore/strained, making me blink a lot. I still have one meal scheduled so hopefully wont get too tired, I want to continue farming.

Continue farming, yeah with that FS25 having no fields just farmlands and contracts profitability realization I got kind of sad, I mean could this really mean the end of large terrains, if the farmland image is limited to 256 channels/colors ie farmlands. But guess its pointless to speculate and be sad about it, just chill and wait until giants editor v10 comes out so you can check it out yourself.

Anyways, more contracts.

2024-11-12T08:09:40Z Accepted contract baling F87, borrowed vehicles.

2024-11-12T08:12:38Z Started contract baling F87, manual driving.

2024-11-12T08:29:35Z Finished contract baling F87, collected reward 7.6k.

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

Next up was some good old fertilizing contracts, its just how pitiful rewards these have, wonder if there will be any money left after the product cost Smiley :(

2024-11-12T08:35:43Z Accepted contract fertilizing F07.

2024-11-12T08:37:39Z Started contract fertilizing F07, manually GPS.

New Farmer Riverbend Springs Farming Simulator 25 Screenshot

2024-11-12T08:41:55Z Finished contract fertilizing F07, collected reward 3.6k.

Budget now 102.5k, broke the magical 100k limit, whohoo Smiley ;)

2024-11-12T08:43:55Z Accepted contract fertilizing F32.

2024-11-12T08:44:26Z But now alarm went off in the phone for a lunch break, gotta eat some FS25 celebration junk food and dessert Smiley :)

2024-11-12T09:08:52Z Feeding time is over, hopefully I can stay awake for the next at least 4hrs 30min. Hmm looks like my been awake 17hrs alarm still has 4hrs 57min left, would be nice to stay up that time, in fact FS25 activates hour before that unless I'm mistaken. Anyways back to farming.

Purchased 3 big bags of solid fertilizer for 5.7k, budget now 96.7k.

2024-11-12T09:16:44Z Started contract fertilizing F32, manually GPS.

2024-11-12T09:18:09Z Finished contract fertilizing F32, collected reward 1.6k.

2024-11-12T09:19:45Z Accepted contract fertilizing F65.

2024-11-12T09:23:11Z Started contract fertilizing F65, manually GPS.

2024-11-12T09:28:42Z Finished contract fertilizing F65, collected reward 5.8k.

2024-11-12T09:32:04Z Accepted contract fertilizing F83 and F09.

2024-11-12T09:34:56Z Started contract fertilizing F83, manually GPS.

Man these fields are so uselessly tiny, I usually OBS capture video clips in about 7sec duration unless something interesting is on the scene, well now like this F83 this was one video capture the whole contract, it went by so quickly. Just ridiculous.

2024-11-12T09:38:02Z Finished contract fertilizing F83, collected reward 2.1k.

2024-11-12T09:40:53Z Started contract fertilizing F09, manually GPS.

2024-11-12T09:42:22Z Finished contract fertilizing F09, collected reward 1.3k.

2024-11-12T09:46:33Z Accepted contract fertilizing F43 and F61.

Purchased 3 big bags of solid fertilizer for 5.7k, budget now 102k.

2024-11-12T09:50:38Z Started contract fertilizing F61, manually GPS.

2024-11-12T09:53:20Z Finished contract fertilizing F61, collected reward 3.8k.

2024-11-12T10:07:47Z Started contract fertilizing F43, manually GPS.

2024-11-12T10:09:32Z Finished contract fertilizing F43, collected reward 1.3k.

Hmm driving around riverbend springs makes me feel more and more disgusted by this claustrophobic completely ridiculous so called american terrain, this feels like some average euro trash french or whatever region community user made terrain which there are hundreds out there. I mean what have giants been smoking when deciding to make this kind of trash supposedly representing american farming, just bizarre.

I would so much want to have one of my PMC terrains here, but even if you had that... I don't think base FS25 vehicles and equipment has anything for large scale farming, so not sure if a terrain alone would be the answer.

Guess I'm just so disappointed with riverbend springs and I cant imagine the south east asian or euro trash terrain would be any more playable.

Now I'm actually scared that my planned two week FS25 celebration might even come to unspectacular end as in the first day I'm already just wanting to walk away from this. But perhaps I'm just so tired, not sure, I'm sure after sleeping good nights sleep I'll feel much more enthusiastic and energetic to play some more. I hope.

2024-11-12T10:18:56Z Accepted contract fertilizing F22 and F26.

2024-11-12T10:21:17Z Started contract fertilizing F26, manually GPS.

2024-11-12T10:23:08Z Finished contract fertilizing F26, collected reward 2.1k.

2024-11-12T10:24:21Z Started contract fertilizing F22, manually GPS.

2024-11-12T10:27:32Z Finished contract fertilizing F22, collected reward 4.1k.

2024-11-12T10:32:07Z Accepted contract fertilizing F52.

2024-11-12T10:35:58Z Started contract fertilizing F52, manually GPS.

2024-11-12T10:38:29Z Finished contract fertilizing F52, collected reward 2.8k.

Budget now 116.4k, I'm really tired at this point, would love to go to sleep but have to try stay awake a little bit longer as I just recently ate.

Took a restroom break to refresh myself, really tired right now. I want to keep going but I might fail at any moment, if I could just stay awake even half an hour more it would be nice. At this point I don't enjoy playing anymore because being so tired, its just forcing myself to do it to burn some of that meal away before bed time.

2024-11-12T10:57:12Z Nope cant do it, I am way too tired, so saved game and shut down FS25 for the first time since release, well technically speaking release comes in two or so hours. Heh but me, I'm off to sleep, just have to check news from PMC DevSurf computer first.

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