PMC Farming Simulator 25 Mods

Modifications for Farming Simulator 25 (FS25), aka "mods". These include tractors, obviously, cultivators, plows (digger, ripper etc names), spreaders, sprayers, trailers, grain carts, combine harvesters, balers, grain bin silos, placeables, animal sheds, vehicle sheds, ooh my, there are so many!

FS25 Mods

PMCTODO task, this page is a empty placeholder until Farming Simulator 25 (FS25) has been released and content created.

My life will be extremely hectic because FS25 is released on nov 12th 2024 as we all know, but also Sea Power (Naval Combat in the Missile Age) gets released in the same day! so I am going to be completely overwhelmed how do I divide my time between these two titles, play, learn and document everything new.

This is the reason an empty placeholder pages for many FS25 categories were created during october 2024 before the release when I have all the time in the world to edit stuff, so I don't have to spend that precious little time do I have each day after the game release to create these pages, I can just write notes and dump the text into already existing pages.

Are you looking for Mods Terrain FS25 American terrains, European terrains, etc or PMC Terrains FS25 these are mod terrains created and developed by PMC.

Baler to get grass or hay into more manageable bales, you need a baler.

Combine Harvester harvest is the king of farming activities, for that you need a good combine harvester.

Cultivator turning dirt, working the ground, need a crop put under, use cultivator.

Disc Harrow does shallow cultivating, stubble tillage field surface.

Game-play HOWTO enhanced basic game-play.

Grain Cart auger wagons, for grain transport from combine harvester to the semi-truck grain trailer.

Harvester Header combine harvester needs a header to cut the crop.

Mods Pending Testing untested mods schedule for testing.

Placeable Building Animal animal barns/sheds as placeable buildings.

Placeable Building Bale storage to keep your round and square bales in neat order.

Placeable Building Grain bins to store grain.

Placeable Building Silo silos are for animal feed, even to turn grass into silage, etc.

Placeable Building Vehicle ie vehicle sheds, dry storage for vehicles, garages, shelters, etc.

Placeable Container for solid fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, seeds, herbicide, diesel fuel, lime, etc.

Placeable Money Making cheater tools, solar panels, wind turbines etc to make you good cheat money.

Placeable Object general objects used as placeables.

Placeable Production these are production chains building placeables.

Placeable Refilling Station buying station placeable, solid fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, herbicide, lime, seeds, diesel fuel, etc.

Placeable Selling Point you can use your own selling points if the terrain provided ones are no good.

Placeable Warehouse production chains has distribution option, these warehouse buildings can accept that product.

Planter for corn, sunflowers, cotton, soybeans, etc.

Plow for european style moldboard ploughing or american style corn field digging, ripping, etc.

Seed Tender a trailer tank to haul seeds to your seeders and planters on the field.

Seeder or sowing, regular grain types, barley, wheat and many others.

Semi-truck Trailer heavy haul trailers being pulled by semi-trucks.

Semi-truck to pull grain trailers, liquid tanker trailers, low loaders, logging trailers, etc.

Sprayer liquid fertilizer and herbicide spraying, usually with narrow tires so crop destruction is not a problem.

Spreader solid fertilizer and lime spreader, but also manure and slurry spreaders fit this category.

Subsoiler a plow/digger/ripper/plough of sorts, does deep ground work on the field.

Tractor Trailer when you have to haul various material, grain, seeds, logs, etc.

Tractor there is no farming without tractors, don't you agree?

Trailer Autoloading easy simple way to pickup pallets, tanks, bales, etc.

Mods With Errors list of mods where testing generated errors in the game log, do not use mods with errors/warnings.