Mods Seed Tender - PMC Farming Simulator 25

Seed Tender mods for Farming Simulator 25 (FS25). Seed tender is a special trailer which is used to haul seeds and fertilizer to fields where seeder/planter is working on. Usually it has some specialized equipment like auger pipe to make seed/fertilizer dumping easier. There are small pickup truck pulled seed tenders and then large semi-truck pulled ones. You can use dump trucks as seed tenders to haul large loads of seed/fertilizer if your seeder has loading mechanism to get the product from the dump bed thing (sorry my terminology is lacking hah). Even something as Lode King Distinction Super-B is technically a seed tender as you can use it to refill big Bourgault air carts just like real life American and Canadian farmers do, however seed tender usually has specialized equipment to be called a "tender".

Mods Seed Tender

PMCTODO task, this page is a empty placeholder until Farming Simulator 25 (FS25) has been released and content created.

My life will be extremely hectic because FS25 is released on nov 12th 2024 as we all know, but also Sea Power (Naval Combat in the Missile Age) gets released in the same day! so I am going to be completely overwhelmed how do I divide my time between these two titles, play, learn and document everything new.

This is the reason an empty placeholder pages for many FS25 categories were created during october 2024 before the release when I have all the time in the world to edit stuff, so I don't have to spend that precious little time do I have each day after the game release to create these pages, I can just write notes and dump the text into already existing pages.