PMC Farming Simulator 22 Review

Game review of Farming Simulator 22 (FS22) by PMC.

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Too Long, Didn't Read

Farming Simulator 22 is okay and generally recommended to everyone Smiley :D

My Background

Please read Farming Simulator 17 (FS17) Review and Farming Simulator 19 (FS19) Review for my background. Also you should read my FS17 game session stories and my FS19 game session stories so you see how have I played FS17 and FS19 previously. This review you are reading now heavily focuses on "whats changed since FS19" because thats my reference point. Those linked review pages wont take long to read but farming stories pages are extremely large reads and they are not required read for this FS22 review, they are just linked for a reference just in case someone wants to dig a little deeper.

I have played FS17, FS19 and even FS22 simply put too much. I don't list "hours played" as I have no clue and no interest combining those numbers together, but usually I play 17hrs/day for days on end when I get into my obsession farming moods. I play only on large if not huge terrains now in FS22. What I'm trying to say is that I play a lot of farmsim so even when I'm critical of some/many aspects of these games, don't forget that I play A LOT of farmsim, I would not be spending this much time with a software if I didn't love doing it (even though I'm very critical, vocal about it often times) Smiley ;)

Base Game

Game performance is great, much better than FS17 and FS19 because FS22 now uses multiple CPU cores, I run it on i7 4790K, 16gb ram and Nvidia Asus RTX 3060 TUF Gaming 12gb. FS22 game is installed on Samsung 870 EVO 500gb SSD. I have also editing and surfing daily use computer which is used to edit FS22 terrains and for testing them, in this computer I run poor old Nvidia GTX 1060 3gb video card so I have to use FS22 video preset "VERY LOW" to run it, so I have fair bit of experience running good hardware and poor hardware with appropriate video settings. I run FS22 in 4k 3840 x 2160 pixel resolution, obviously.

Because FS22 is now "multi threaded" meaning it uses multiple CPU cores the performance is great especially on those large terrains. In fact not only performance is better but it allows us to create even larger terrains than in FS17 and FS19 because we can use larger pixel resolution images, but enough of that editing geek talk, this is about farmsim review not editing heh.

But still for example mods like AutoDrive and Courseplay which can run multiple "AI hired workers" at the same time cause no performance loss overall speaking. You have to throw just crazy number of vehicles like 10+ under these automation tools before you start to get bad performance.

Base game in FS22 is pretty good engine wise just because this multi core CPU support, I am very happy giants added this engine feature.

Graphical User Interface (GUI) has changed again as giants seem to want to change it up to spice up the base game. Personally I don't like the changes too much but "they are fine", when you turn down or even mute the GUI usage sounds I guess its OK. I don't like the vertical "tab bar" on the left side of the screen, FS19 had perfectly working horizontal "tab bar" in top of the screen, but now FS22 has it on left side and not only that but worst part is that it now scrolls, so you have some icons/options down below the bottom of the screen edge where you have to scroll. When you bring in mods that add their own vertical "tab bar" icons then it turns into complete mess. For example between ESC mapview and Contracts tab, you have to scroll, each and every time, that is absolute killer, I hate that scrolling Smiley :(

Buying land, property or farmland, is the same as in FS19, no changes there. Although this time you can see the internal farmland ID on the ESC mapview, so it can come as useful piece of information sometimes.

The dealership has vehicle "Sales", I faintly recall FS17 having this option in very limited manner or maybe I'm just dreaming its been so many years since I played FS17, but anyways in FS22 almost every in-game day you get various numbers of vehicle shop aka the dealership sales with reduced prices. Vehicles and implements (placeables or other objects not included) get anywhere between 30-70% discount on those sales. Once you buy an item from the sale it comes with hours on it, meaning you get used tractor with maybe 50 or more engine hours on it for example. The dealership sales page is interesting game-play feature to have when you are low on money and want to grow your farm, its exciting to check sales tab multiple times every day if there is something you could buy cheap.

Other than that, its pretty much the same as FS19. In fact I was kind of surprised when doing comparison read from FS17 base game and FS19 base game on my previous reviews, its in some ways a little disappointing to see how very little changes in the core base game there are since FS19.


Terrain is better than FS17, only marginally better textures than in FS19 but is not as beautiful as in ArmA 3. Same old same old, nothing never changes with Giants farming simulator games, well more or less heh. I mean I'm a hardcore terrain guy through and through, I create, edit and love terrains meaning environments, so seeing how poor the terrain / environmental engine is in FS17, FS19 and now in FS22 is disheartening, it makes me very sad. I mean ArmA 3 is a first person shooter game where you just blow stuff up, but farmsim games is all about the land, the ground, the soil and the crops, now if the environmental engine is complete crap then whats the point of trying to enjoy some farming. But hey maybe its just me, until giants lets go of "giants engine v7, v8, v9 etc" and write a completely new one, I will always be complanining about the terrain / environment, always.

FS19 already had the disgusting farmsim glow in dawn and dusk, same effect is still in FS22, nothing has changed.

FS19 introduced flock of birds, well FS22 introduces group of deers. These deers appear near tree lines or forests, they just don't pop up out of nowhere in empty fields or middle of city/town buildings (not that any farmsim terrain has even decent size towns). I guess its a nice touch.

Elmcreek terrain "mapUS" sound environment has one annoying bird singing, I guess its a crow or something, its coming from "high rear left" side of players viewport, it is very annoying as it happens in populated places, forests and open fields, its like this demon crow following you around haunting and taunting you Smiley :)

Its funny that I can quote myself from FS17 and it still stands true: Unfortunately the environment is quite bad visually. The fields and grass / crops looks fine but the lower resolution levels of detail and textures look really bad even though game runs solid 60FPS on 4k., yeah its kind of sad when you think about grand scheme of things. How many years has it been now, come on giants software, please re-write "giants engine vXX" already, your customers/players deserve it after all these years of loyal support by purchasing farmsim games. I honestly don't see giants engine surviving much longer (my view on this is kind of biased because I already seen Farming Simulator 22 screenshots and video previews where nothing has changed in the environment once again, sure they added fog but it looks just awful). Anyways you know me, until giants re-writes game engine, I'll always nag about this, always.

Once I get enough of terrible giants environment I'll fire up ArmA 3 photorealistic large terrains and just enjoy myself Smiley :)

Anyways, FS22 terrains and environment is what it is, is it much better than FS19? Nope, but its doable, I mean what can you do right, if you want to farm then this is the game we're given, deal with it.

Vehicles and Equipment

I can again copy-paste what I said in FS17 review: Vehicles and equipment is excellent quality, giant software modding guide stated that some more complex models could be as high as 50,000 triangles which is quite crazy amount of detail for a computer game 3D model. and this still holds true after all these years. Vehicles are ridiculously great looking 3D models while terrain/environment looks like its made out of lego blocks.

FS19 introduced "heavy feel" for vehicles but FS22 takes that up a notch as it adds actual legit MASS for vehicles, also trailers which carry grain and other goods have fill "volume" I believe its called, so if you're using realistic mode for trailer/tipper fill volumes you cannot load it up with corn or soybeans etc up to the manufacturers specifications, its always comes up a little short. That is interesting new feature, overall I do appreciate and kind of like it, however I have turned off the trailer fill volume, also some vehicles like semi-trucks are now painfully slow to accelerate, it sometimes feel very frustrating to drive as it takes forever for semi-truck to get up to speed and in the next curve when you slow down then you again start from the beginning the slow acceleration. But maybe this is just my "gamey FS17" knowledge speaking, I got used to unrealistic super-fast-speeding vehicles of the old times and now when we have more realistic vehicle mass and acceleration physics, I cant get used to them Smiley :)

Overall vehicles mass and trailer/tipper fill volume are welcome additions to the farmsim giants engine, good job there.

Implements have more animated sounds now, like when you run grain cart, "open up" the auger pipe you hear a loud metallic KLONK! sound when its fully extended and hits the whatever stop thingy, also covering/un-covering tarps on trailers give that leathery cloth "whoosh!" sound, those are small but nice additions, I like them, in fact... I almost hate to say this, but when I go back to playing FS19 now, I really miss those FS22 implement animation sounds.

I cant tell if FS22 vehicles/implements 3D models and textures have more details than in FS19, if there are I cant tell it by the naked eye, I believe UDIM texturing support came already in FS19 or am I confusing that with FS22 now, anyways it is in, while I don't specialize in texturing (I edit everything), that was the last big engine change I believe. Also ground Parallax Occlusion Mapping or whatever that texturing method is was introduced in FS22 I believe, but that honestly doesn't do much, its almost like too little too late, hmm actually should have probably mentioned that in the previous environment header heh, aanyhow.


No new game-modes its all identical to FS19. No changes in buying land either, all the same as in FS19.

FS22 introduced seasons, however don't get excited... while there are now calendar, ie crop calendar, with months through out the year, environmental climate conditions change, there is winter and warmer summers, this is not a "FS19 Seasons Mod", not even close, in fact its almost shameful to even mention FS22 "seasons" and the great FS19 Seasons Mod in the same sentence.

FS22 seasons is a watered down, dumbed down for conzole peasants, it is a complete joke. There are no crop rotation, no moisture grass drying etc, no soil crop moisture so you can harvest early in the morning immediately after it stopped raining and through the night without any penalties, temperature has no affect at all, its meaningless. Its just a complete joke, I do not understand why giants decided to add seasons when its just a insulting joke like this. Who knows maybe they wanted to add FS19 Seasons Mod or something close to its functionality but then ran out of time, or some "testing group customers" reported back behind their conzoles that "0RR 0RR THIZ IS TOO HARD!! 0RR 0RR!!1" dunno just speculating here, but fact is that FS22 "seasons" suck, big time, that and the fact that there has not been official "Seasons Mod" for FS22 is my greatest disappointment in this game Smiley :(

The dealership sales was a nice addition but there really is not much other game-changing changes (no pun intended), there are no equivalent for autodrive or courseplay, not even a rudimentary guidanceSteering (GPS) feature. AI hired workers are the same as they have always been.

In short, if you knew how to play FS19 (without mods) you feel right at home in FS22.

Downloadable Content (DLC)

I was super enthusiastic and excited when FS22 was announced, I immediately pre-ordered it and whatever seasons pass money grabs giants offered, however to me personally as American farming enthusiast, there are basically nothing useful in none of the season pass DLC's giants offer, I do use one kubota tractor and one of the sprayers in my early savegames but that's it. There just are nothing interesting in DLCs what giants have done for FS22.

However if you prefer some european farming perhaps you can find something useful on those DLCs, you just have to judge it for yourself.

Modding Community

Pretty much same as FS17 and FS19, everything was said on those reviews. In FS22 there has been much more "mod leaking" after mod developers started to use scammy fishy patreon pay walls, which lead to regular mod users getting angry, joining the patreon, paying the scam money and once they got the pay walled mods downloaded, they released them to the wide public ie "leaking" it. I like this robin hood kind of attitude, steal from those scam pay wall ripoff money hungry bastards and release mods freely to the public like they should have been done in the first place. Point being, mod editing and releasing community is the same if not worse than in FS17 and FS19, there has been no improvement that I've seen.

People still have not understood the difference between "map" and "terrain" or they simply don't care, and despite my best efforts to educate the community through tutorials, people cannot comprehend terrain sizes, they just cant, many very good and experienced terrain developers still name their terrains with that crazy EX system, its just pathetic to see in 2024. But I guess this is one of the bizarre things you see in farmsim community behavior.

There are more farmsim mod news websites now, they are more or less scammy and fishy, still the same file hosting sites with thousand click this click that and maybe, just maybe you eventually reach some super slow download link.

Just nothing changed, if anything its slowly going more to the wrong direction with the mod paywall garbage. Giants software seem to have zero interest of policing the community, I mean they do the bare minimum but turn blind eye for the blatant patreon money hungry ripoff behavior which so many community members conduct.

You have to be very careful when online searching mod news websites, especially those download links.

Oh and mods themselves have so many releases with errors in the game log or mods like terrains designed/edited just completely wrong way for example downloading reguired mods from giants modhub and integrating them into the terrain files itself, therefore completely disregarding the whole point of "required mod" and increasing every users download bandwidth waste and hard disk space use.

People simply do not care, or they are just dumb, I'm not sure which is worse.

But hey its the bizarre world of farming simulator community, what can ya do, right? Smiley :(


Overall Farming Simulator 22 is okay and generally recommended to everyone!

Farming Simulator 22 at october 2024 is the latest farmsim game available, however many people still prefer FS19 with the great Seasons Mod, Courseplay and Autodrive etc mods. FS22 is okay, its not great, but its something you can live with. Its kind of infuriating because I love FS22 multi core CPU usage feature but absolutely hate from my guts that watered down conzole dumbed down "seasons" and atrociously bad GUI which courseplay uses etc, but... its a balancing act, you love some hate some, you just have to focus on the good parts trying to keep ignoring the bad parts.

I personally jump between FS19 and FS22, depending on my mood. Overall I'd say FS19 is the better game but with few exceptions like multi core 60FPS large terrain performance I often come back to FS22 to enjoy those huge 20 kilometer x 20 kilometer and larger terrains, you just cant have the same experience in FS19 where 40km terrain runs 60FPS Smiley :)

BTW just wanted to write few paragraphs to have FS22 review web page up, but ended up spending few HOURS writing all kinds of stuff. Aww maan! Smiley :rolleyes:

Oct 19th, 2024.
Snake Man, PMC.