Start From Zero PMC Grande Gardens 16km PMC Farming Simulator 19 Stories

Stories from the Farm

PMC Grande Gardens 16km, Start From Zero

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2020-03-17 Cutting Field To Four Sections

2020-03-06T1900 Fired up FS19 although I'm not super enthusiastic about playing, one of those days that I have nothing better to do. Lets see how many hours I can endure...

2122 Shut down FS19 for today, I got so bored on endless soybean harvest

Edit: 2024-01-28T19:04:00Z, again merged this page with the next one because lack of story telling.

2020-03-17T1617 Back at PMC Grande Gardens 16km Start From Zero after several days (over one week)!

I was playing on PMC North Dakota Greendale 4km Start From Zero and PMC North Dakota Greendale 4km Farm-Manager savegames. But now I'm back in the big boy terrain hehe!

13/mid-autumn in-game 1928hrs night is falling quickly and cant see much, time accelerated to morning daylight 14/mid-autumn in-game 0820hrs. Thats better, let there be light and soybeans harvesting, aayeah!

1711 Decided to cut F20 to four sections, so savegame and exit, going to drive courseplay outlines in a new savegame
1741 Back from another savegame, courseplay outlines done for four section of F20

Generated new courseplay course for F20 outline SW and continued harvesting with 4 tools as usual.

1941 Finished harvesting soybeans F20... well south west section, still SE to do

Felt good to have that one section of F20 harvested. Splitting 300ha field up to four smaller sections seem to be much nicer overall as you have four smaller tasks to complete instead of one overwhelmingly big. I am definitely going to split up all 200ha+ fields from now on, its just crazy to try to harvest such monster fields in one go.

1946 Shut down FS19, dead tired gotta get some sleep

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