Start From Zero PMC Grande Gardens 16km PMC Farming Simulator 19 Stories

Stories from the Farm

PMC Grande Gardens 16km, Start From Zero

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2020-02-29 Quick Soybeans Day

2020-02-29T1015 New farming day has begun, we continue harvesting soybeans from F55.

Today I have no TV to watch just farming. Have no plans but also I am not going to take any pressure to farm all day even though I slept 9hrs 45min last night which is pretty crazy amount of sleep. In theory... this should be a long farming day, but we proceed one hour at the time, just nice and relaxed farming while watching youtube videos or listening to music, the usual Smiley :)

This F55 is a big one but if I get a good farming day out of this then I see no reason why would this not be finished today, it will take 10+ hours I believe but in theory should be doable.

1534 Harvest of F55 is about 85% done, I'm feeling good but still I decided that once this field is finished I'll save and exit
1729 Finished harvesting soybeans F55

Parked the combines, unloaded them to elmers haulmaster and then that to trucks. And thats it, all field work done for today.

1735 Saved game and exited

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