Start From Zero PMC Grande Gardens 16km PMC Farming Simulator 19 Stories

Stories from the Farm

PMC Grande Gardens 16km, Start From Zero

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2019-07-17 Cultivating Contracts

1401 Back at PMC Gaming, against my better judgement I'm giving this career/terrain one more try today. If I don't get any fertilizing contracts to get that old iowa garden city type of fertilizing action going on... then I have to call it quits, probably take a full bank loan and start to grow my farm like that. Dunno what I would do, but lets not get ahead of ourselves.
1406 Back in the cultivating contract, courseplay started and tractor running, duration 40min.

1410 Accepted contract for cultivating F31
1413 Started cultivating F31, contract.
1420 Accepted contract for cultivating F28
1436 Started cultivating F28, contract.

Three vehicles were cultivating under courseplay (which uses hired workers) and got 30 FPS performance, it wasnt too bad still felt smooth enough but yeah this is the thing with courseplay in FS19, performance goes away.

Oh btw, still no fertilizing contracts... in fact I'll stop talking about them now until the next one shows up that I accept.

1444 Finished cultivating F57, contract, collected contract reward 37.9k.
1459 Accepted contract for cultivating F32
1502 Started cultivating F32, contract.
1617 Finished cultivating F31, contract, collected contract reward 26.4k.
1658 Finished cultivating F32, contract, collected contract reward 22.7k. Budget now 288.1k

Decided that what the heck this career is pretty bad as it is so lets do something I normally wouldn't do, lets take some harvest contracts and use courseplay to drive both vehicles where I'm only doing the combine unloading manually.

1722 Accepted contract for harvesting F52
1730 Accepted contract for harvesting F55
1740 Finished cultivating F28, contract, collected contract reward 55.1k. Budget now 343.3k
1743 Started harvesting canola F55, contract. Courseplay duration 27 HOURS 22min ! Smiley :D
1744 Started harvesting barley F52, contract. Courseplay duration 19 HOURS 1min !
1948 Accepted contract for cultivating F54
1959 Started cultivating F54, contract. Courseplay duration 11h 15min.

2000 Finally a fertilizing contract appeared, F25 which is 74.1ha and reward 146.5k, its about damn time...
2002 Accepted contract for fertilizing F25

Leased semi truck and low boy so I can transport the rubicon quicker. Then leased rubicon 9000 for usual 25k something. After a short while I decided to save the courseplay courses for harvesters, well big mistake as F55's course which was 51k waypoints caused FS19 to, well not technically crash but yeah basically it crashed. Even loading the last savegame with that 5mb xml course file in the dir caused FS19 to freeze, had to delete it. I learned long time ago with FS17 that you do not save a very large courseplay courses, why I tried to do that now is beyond understanding. Oh well. Fixed it and back to farming.

2054 Started fertilizing F25, contract.
? Finished fertilizing F25, contract, collected contract reward 146.5k. Budget now 448k.

I was on the background when fertilizing contract finished, also now there is one weeding contract, no relation for fert/spray stuff but anyways regarding weeds.

Anyways seems like now I have moment to breathe and must say those harvesting contracts with courseplay duration are pretty crazy, I mean 27 hours is ... wow heh. More than one day straight and thats assuming the harvester would move forward constantly which it obviously is not going to do, it will stop each time it gets full because I cant be there with a trailer to unload it all the time.

2222 Drove leased vehicles back to vehicle shop and returned them, no contracts so lets not waste money.
2339 Leased krone zx 560 gd loading wagon and valtra t234 tractor so I can pickup straw from F52 harvest.

No idea how worth the effort is it to pickup the straw, especially with leased vehicles. But I know that there will be so much straw that I probably lose interest before anything heh. So if the straw market prices is like 100-150 or maybe a bit more, dunno, we'll see if I can even get the money back for these leased equipment.

2348 Started to collect straw from F52... except I got the you have no access to this land display, uh oh forgot all about that, oh well guess I'm not going to be doing any straw stuff.

2019-07-18T0105 Its been now well over 12hrs in-game time without time acceleration (so, same as real time? hehe) and still no changes on how contracts are generated, so much for the idea of time acceleration bugging the large terrain setup. Oh well was worth the shot.
0249 Accepted contract for fertilizing F72, F74 and F79

Finally batch of three smallish fertilizing contracts. Leased the same setup, a semi truck, low boy and rubicon. Time to get to work.

0302 Started fertilizing F72, contract.
0307 Accepted contract for cultivating F40

F40 contract was a joke, it will probably crash courseplay or take DAYS to cultivate, but who cares haha. In fact I'm not even going to bother trying to generate courseplay course, I'm going to drive small outlines areas and do the field in several pieces, courseplay would never work with single course for 2873ha field, never. Also the case ih will run out of fuel before the field is cultivated. However when I accepted the contract FS19 froze for close to 10min which was odd, previously I accepted fertilizing contract just fine.

BTW interesting that when I tried to accept F40 contract FS19 froze, I had to kill it and restore game from savegame. Just before that happened I got fertilizing contract for F48 which I accepted, however after loading the savegame... F48 contract did not come up. Hmm odd.

0341 Accepted contract for weeding F11, hey it was just next to the vehicle shop and with courseplay just hands free money in the bank.
0350 Leased mahindra retriever limited edition so I can do the F40 courseplay outlines.
0348 Started weeding F11, contract.
0408 Started cultivating F40 south 1. Courseplay duration 8h and this is only about less than 10 percent of the southern area hehe
0410 Finished fertilizing F72, contract, collected contract reward 109k.
0417 Started fertilizing F74, contract.
0500 Finished fertilizing F74, contract, collected contract reward 109k. Budget now 568.5k
0509 Started fertilizing F79, contract.
0541 Finished fertilizing F79, contract, collected contract reward 108k. Budget now 676.6k

Had FS19 freeze on me, was really thankful that I just minutes earlier done savegame. When I restarted the game courseplay field scanner got stuck on F40 for very long time, several minutes. wonder whats going on with F40 now and does it have to do something with that running contract.

0638 Finished weeding F11, contract, collected contract reward 13.1k. Wow all that work and 13k hehe (yeah not work at all, just courseplay).
0639 Dead tired, it was time to call it a night. More farming tomorrow.

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