Start From Zero PMC Grande Gardens 16km PMC Farming Simulator 19 Stories

Stories from the Farm

PMC Grande Gardens 16km, Start From Zero

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2019-07-15 Creating New Savegame

2019-07-15T1910 Started PMC Grande Gardens 16km New Farmer game-mode and saved career. Then edited savegame for PMC Start From Zero mode Smiley :)

The goal of this start from zero was to test how this terrain works in such career mode, well it was immediately clear that there is no good starter contract because either they are way too large or too small. The quickest / smallest harvest contract was for 4 hectare field which paid 7.6k and took away 0.8k for leased vehicles. The next larger was huge 302 hectare field which paid whopping 545k, but that is such an insane workload for starter harvest that it would take me with one leased combine for days to make, no joke.

All other contracts were even larger, like one 1 million harvest or suitable sizes but they didn't offer borrowed / leased vehicles. There simple was no contract I could take and spend few hours (or hopefully less) to do and get enough cash to be ready to lease my own rubicon, buy fertilize pallets and start to do fertilizing contracts which are the big money.

So right off the bat I decided to time accelerate some and wait for better contracts as that 7k just aint enough to get started.

1949 Got harvest for potatoes on F89 for 23.9k which was nice for the money but still not sure how terrible is 4ha potatoes hmm.
1954 Accepted contract for harvesting potatoes F89, for 23.9k reward.

Yep after quick consideration decided to take this contract as there was so many lucrative fertilizing contracts available, that if I miss this opportunity I might have to sit in time acceleration for days until the next batch of fert contracts appear. Lets hope this was not a big mistake to do potato harvest Smiley :)

2006 Started harvesting potatoes F89

And I was right on my initial thought that do not take potato or sugar beet/cane contracts as those are pure horror to harvest hehe. Even though 4ha is a tiny tiny field, it is still quite large for this type of harvest. But hey, it was the only small/quick harvest as I definitely would not have taken the crazy 300ha wheat harvest.

2026 First trailer load of potatoes is full, time to start driving to selling point 7 and back, oh my...
2310 Still going and was quite frustrated how tedious and slow this potato contract actually was.

I should have just aborted the contract when realizing how stupid it was, but I'm a stubborn guy that if I decided to do something I'll do it. But let this mistake be the last time I'll do one of these root crops as I KNOW they suck. That 724 vario tractor was also extremely frustrating as the TAW 30 trailer weighed so much that it pulled the tractor from left to right constatly, you could not drive straight on a road, it was constant left/right steering back and forth.

Sure this is the point of start from zero to suffer in the beginning, that the nice large equipment and your own large fields feel so much better then when you get the big money, but man... this is terrible, hehe. Hopefully these various start from zero stories also teach me how to avoid these time wasting pitfalls in the future.

2019-07-16T0001 Checking out contracts I saw there was now oat harvest of 46ha field, yes that is quite big field for such contract and then you have to drive the grain to the selling point too, but a bit more, literally few hours in-game time waiting I could have gotten better, more interesting harvest contract heh.

It probably took more time to drive this 53kph tractor to selling point 7 several times than the actual potato harvest itself. I never timed how many minutes it is one way but felt like 10-15mins heh.

While this potato harvest was terrible, it gave me so valuable information about terrain design, that if you have only massive or tiny fields... you get equally priced contracts and that the selling point location plays important part too. I'm going to edit this terrain so that there are more small to medium sized fields for these start from zero careers. I'm personally obviously doing it just this once, but if any other player out there wishes to do it when this terrain is released, now they have much better field setup.

Doing this potato harvest was even more worse because the tractor kept steering left/right and I wasnt using courseplay in the tradition of start from zero career early beginnings.

0033 Finished harvesting potatoes F89, contract. This happened while I was dumping the potatoes to selling point 7, got 5.2k to my own pocket too. I decided to suffer some more driving boredom and go harvest the little thats left on the field and come one more time to selling point 7 to sell them, I bet it gets me another fertilizer pallet from the vehicle shop.
0050 Finished the actual harvest of the field, now we just haul the last load of 11.7k liters of potatoes to selling point 7.
0105 Collected F89 potato contract reward 23.1k. Budget now 37.2k Smiley :)

Now I had enough money to lease rubicon 9000 sprayer and few thousands left over to buy fertilizer, but the problem is that I still missed the fertilizing contract window as there are only two of them left now, both are massive 560ha field contracts for million each, I don't have enough money to buy that much fertilizer to get the job done, ouch Smiley :(

So I decided to time accelerate again and wait for smaller fertilizing contract to which I have enough money for to buy the actual fertilizer product. This was one of those painful waiting periods, when you got the harvest season going on it will take a lot of time accelerating to get into next batch of fertilizing contracts again. Its much better let the contracts flow naturally without time skipping, they come when they come, if you sit and wait it really tests your patience heh.

Did I mention the 120 time acceleration wait for contracts is boring?

0337 Still time accelerating and hammering map view and contracts pages, no fertilizing contracts or anykind which would be doable. Now also weather forecast shows rain coming, well I'm not harvesting so I don't care but its the first rain of this career. In-game time 0540hrs it started to rain.

Continued to time accelerate and doing other stuff on the background while waiting, endlessly.. then got so tired that went to sleep, didn't even remember to write down what time that was.

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