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Developer Diary PMC Iowa Garden City 8km FS19 - PMC Farming

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2021-06-27 Concentrate

2021-06-27T19:29:00Z Yesterday was a big failure, plan was to edit a lot but as soon as I started penalty_box_gaming went live in twitch to play test PMC Iowa Garden City 8km and I started to watch of course. Then I tried to edit on the background, even muted the stream for short while... but it just wasn't working, I could not fully concentrate on editing so I stopped.

I actually switched to PMC Gaming computer and continued playing animal care basics testing savegame while watching that live stream. It was good day spent doing that but unfortunately it was disaster for any editing progress heh.

So today I made a clear decision, actually made this last night already, had it all planned out etc, that I'll shut down discord, wont watch any twitch or youtube, just completely concentrate on editing farmsim terrains. This means iowa garden city and I actually still have hopes to get some work done to PMC Grande Gardens 16km as well, but first things first and now we continue transferring those static farm yards to player farms Smiley :)

To recap; we now have 12 player farm yards on defaultItems.xml so they will be owned once you buy the land these objects are located at. All farm bin silos are the auger pipe operated ones.

2021-06-27T19:44:00Z Was scoping out the next static farm yard to transfer into player farms. I wanted to distribute these evenly across the terrain even though there is no particular way for players to spot that, still its not nice to have them all bunched up in a small area when rest of the terrain remain free of player farms.

Location-69 was on east edge somewhat close to terrain edge, but great looking farm yard though. Location-88 was in SE area, quansat hut, three bin silos but no apparent farm house, not that it really interests me but anyways. Location-89 awesome farm yard in SE area with 4 smaller bin silos and one large, this is going to be one of our farm yards for sure. Location-90 is doable but somewhat close to S edge, same as Location-91. Location-92 has three very small bin silos and two larger ones, two vehicle sheds and a farm house, yep this will be one player farm for sure. Location-93 was just S of garden city, three bin silos, two vehicle sheds and a farm house, perfect player farm. Location-94 was right next to 93, a bit too close although dunno if that matters, two bins, vehicle shop and a farm house. Location-96 was on SSW area, another great one, many bin silos, big vehicle shed and a farm house, yeah this is so going to be a player farm.

2021-06-27T20:08:00Z Static farm yard Location-88 transferred to players farm with auger pipe operated bin silos.

Static farm yard Location-89, 92 and 93 transferred to players farm with auger pipe operated bin silos. This makes now 16 player farms, full multiplayer server worth of players.

Its not so much about matching the number of player farms to MP dedicated server capabilities but to have enough nice playable farms for the players. This also helps single player because all of these objects can be sold and the bin silos used.

2021-06-28T00:18:00Z Editing day after that came to sudden halt, after doing those above farm yards I didn't want to edit, was yawning so went to take a nap and after waking up almost three hours later I had no mental energy to edit again.

2021-06-28T14:15:00Z Spent remainder of 28th to just idle and then watch TV, just had no motivation to continue editing, mind was blank. Waking up the next day and motivation was much the same, just about zero. Editing (well computer stuff in general for me) burnout is no joke Smiley :(

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