2021-06-20T00:09:00Z PMC Farm Silo Extension gave some lua index error when you attempted to sell it, well there was a bug in defaultItems.xml where className was SiloPlaceable which was wrong, it needs to be SiloExtensionPlaceable, its now finally fixed.
2021-06-20T15:17:00Z New farmer game-mode vehicles, Kuhn axis 40.2 m-emc-w spreader cant do lime so you have now NO lime spreading ability, had to fix this by selling kuhn and buying Bredal K105 with 6m spreading unit.
Then updated defaultVehicles.xml with operating time and wear set to zero, also added defaultFarmProperty="true" as usual.
2021-06-20T21:36:00Z Decided to add land to New Farmer game-mode which contains field 163. This field (and land) is tiny, its cute little field, however it matches really nicely to the small starter vehicles I chose to add into this game-mode.
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