Terrain Foliage RGB Colors Farming Simulator 25 (FS25), grass, flowers, shrubbery and bushes painting by PMC.
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FS25 Giants Editor v10.0.3 terrain foliage RGB colors on mapUS source files template. Tutorials HOWTO paint cultivator_density.png and fruit_density.png images in GIMP can be found from GIMP paint cultivator_density, cultivator_density and roads painting in GIMP and fruit_density painting in GIMP pages.
What I did was took mapUS 2km terrain, erased everything and set heightmap elevation to 100m flat. Then took a 2500 meter square brush, selected foliage editing mode, chose foliage (window) -> foliage (section) -> foliage layer -> meadow and layer state -> greenSmall, then clicked once at 0,0 coordinates painting the whole 2km terrain as greenSmall foliage. Saved GE mapUS.i3d project and exited.
GRLEConverter converted densityMap_fruits.gdm to PNG, opened it up in GIMP, used color picker to click anywhere in the image, then opened "change foreground color" dialog and saw that this color is RGB 67,0,0 value.
Below is all the foliage that matters, some not so regularly used crops are not listed, same as the new peas and rice whatever things. Many of the crops I did had "Small" and "Small2" type growth stage names, RGB values were different for these but the 3d model/plane texture was identical, so I didn't bother listing other than greenMiddle, harvestReady, dead and harvested, as these are the ones that could be used the most, if you must use other colors then you can find them yourself, would be nice if you shared them in PMC Tactical Forum if you do the research.
This is called fruit_density.gdm in FS19, never forget where you're coming from.
densityMap_fruits.png RGB - description:
3,0,0 - meadow "nothing" in combination with terrainDetail Stubble Tillage 35,0,0 - meadow invisible 67,0,0 - meadow greenSmall 99,0,0 - meadow greenMiddle 131,0,0 - meadow harvestReady 163,0,0 - meadow cut 195,0,0 - meadow cutRolled 33,0,0 - decoFoliage smallDenseMix 65,0,0 - decoFoliage smallRumex 97,0,0 - decoFoliage apera 129,0,0 - decoFoliage whiteTallWeed 161,0,0 - decoFoliage greenTallWeed 193,0,0 - decoFoliage cirsium 225,0,0 - decoFoliage papaverRhoeas 1,1,0 - decoFoliage rumex 33,1,0 - decoFoliage grassSmall 65,1,0 - decoFoliage grassMedium 97,1,0 - decoFoliage grassCut 129,1,0 - decoFoliage coneflower 161,1,0 - decoFoliage slenderMountainMint 193,1,0 - decoFoliage wildBergamot 225,1,0 - decoFoliage prairieBlazingStar 34,0,0 - decoBushUS common01 66,0,0 - decoBushUS common02 98,0,0 - decoBushUS common03 130,0,0 - decoBushUS dynamite01 162,0,0 - decoBushUS dynamite02 194,0,0 - decoBushUS dynamite03 226,0,0 - decoBushUS pawpaw01 2,1,0 - decoBushUS pawpaw02 34,1,0 - decoBushUS pawpaw03 66,1,0 - decoBushUS waterElm01 98,1,0 - decoBushUS waterElm02 130,1,0 - decoBushUS waterElm03 162,1,0 - decoBushUS wingedSumac 194,1,0 - decoBushUS witchHazel01 226,1,0 - decoBushUS witchHazel02 36,0,0 - forestPlants dry branches 68,0,0 - forestPlants clovers 100,0,0 - forestPlants starflower 132,0,0 - forestPlants bunchberry 164,0,0 - forestPlants salmonBerryBush 196,0,0 - forestPlants starryFalseSolomonSe(text cuts off here) 228,0,0 - forestPlants swordFern 4,1,0 - forestPlants deerFern 36,1,0 - forestPlants grass 68,1,0 - forestPlants riceLongGrainDeco 37,0,0 - waterPlants typhaLatifoliaSmall 69,0,0 - waterPlants typhaLatifoliaMedium 101,0,0 - waterPlants typhaLatifoliaLarge 133,0,0 - waterPlants miscanthusSinensisSmall 165,0,0 - waterPlants miscanthusSinensisMedium 197,0,0 - waterPlants miscanthusSinensisLarge 229,0,0 - waterPlants stipaTenuissimaSmall 5,1,0 - waterPlants stipaTenuissimaLarge 38,0,0 - grass invisible 70,0,0 - grass greenSmall 102,0,0 - grass greenMiddle 134,0,0 - grass harvestReady 166,0,0 - grass cut 198,0,0 - grass cutRolled 71,0,0 - wheat greenSmall 103,0,0 - wheat greenSmall2 (looks exactly the same as greenSmall) 135,0,0 - wheat greenMiddle 167,0,0 - wheat greenMiddle2 (looks exactly the same as greenMiddle) 199,0,0 - wheat greenBig 231,0,0 - wheat greenBig2 (looks exactly the same as greenBig) 7,1,0 - wheat harvestReady 39,1,0 - wheat dead 71,1,0 - wheat harvested 168,0,0 - canola greenMiddle 40,1,0 - canola harvestReady 72,1,0 - canola dead 104,1,0 - canola harvested 137,0,0 - barley greenMiddle 9,1,0 - barley harvestReady 73,1,0 - barley harvested 106,0,0 - maize greenMiddle 170,0,0 - maize harvestReadyGreen 234,0,0 - maize harvestReady3 10,1,0 - maize dead 42,1,0 - maize harvestedGreen 74,1,0 - maize harvested 139,0,0 - potato greenMiddle 203,0,0 - potato harvestReady 235,0,0 - potato dead 11,1,0 - potato harvested 43,1,0 - potato cutHaulm 140,0,0 - sugarBeet greenMiddle 12,1,0 - sugarBeet harvestReady 44,1,0 - sugarBeet dead 76,1,0 - sugarBeet harvested 108,1,0 - sugarBeet cutHaulm 110,0,0 - soybean greenMiddle 238,0,0 - soybean harvestReady 14,1,0 - soybean dead 46,1,0 - soybean harvested
This is called cultivator_density.gdm in FS19, old school elite.
densityMap_ground.png RGB - description:
1,0,0 - terrainDetail Stubble Tillage 2,0,0 - terrainDetail Cultivated 3,0,0 - terrainDetail Seedbed 4,0,0 - terrainDetail Plowed 5,0,0 - terrainDetail RolledSeedbed 6,0,0 - terrainDetail Ridge 7,0,0 - terrainDetail Sown 8,0,0 - terrainDetail Direct Sown 9,0,0 - terrainDetail Planted 10,0,0 - terrainDetail Ridge (Sown) 11,0,0 - terrainDetail Rollerlines 12,0,0 - terrainDetail Harvest-Ready 13,0,0 - terrainDetail Harvest-Ready Other 14,0,0 - terrainDetail Grass (this is like field texture for grass, NOT the actual 3d grass model/texture) 15,0,0 - terrainDetail Grass (Cut)
This densityMap_groundFoliage.gdm file is brand new FS25 stuff, never used before in farmsim game series. Giants separated the big bush objects from the small grass, flower and shrubbery type foliage. Makes sense, but they should have done this already back in FS19.
densityMap_groundFoliage.png RGB - description:
1,0,0 - decoBush Small 2,0,0 - decoBush Medium 3,0,0 - decoBush Big 4,0,0 - decoBush Super Big 5,0,0 - decoBush Blueberry Short 6,0,0 - decoBush Blueberry Small 7,0,0 - decoBush Blueberry Medium 8,0,0 - decoBush Blueberry Big 9,0,0 - decoBush Blueberry Tall 10,0,0 - decoBush Boxwood Small 11,0,0 - decoBush Boxwood Medium 12,0,0 - decoBush Boxwood Big 13,0,0 - decoBush Hazelnut Small 14,0,0 - decoBush Hazelnut Medium 15,0,0 - decoBush Hazelnut Big
Its kind of nice that Giants Engine v10 now separates large bushes into their own groundFoliage image, looks like you can now paint small bushes, flowers and shrubbery separately so you should have small stuff in the ground level and then these larger bushes 3D model alike type things on the higher up, difficult to explain. But to me this feels like slight progress, I like it. Guess Giants can do at least something right in 2024