Editing Directory and File Names Farming Simulator 25 (FS25).
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Well lets list the main bad ones first. Bad directories would be: C:\Users\ dir, C:\Program Files\ dir, C:\Program Files (x86)\ dir, windows "Desktop" dir in any way you get to it, for example never unpack .zip, .rar or .7z into your desktop, I have seen many people in live streams/videos to simply drag and drop files to desktop or unpacking mod ZIP files into desktop, this is so bad. Any directory with special characters meaning illegal characters in it (these include empty spaces ' ' or chacters like ,!@#$%^&*()][\' or for example foreign languages alphabet characters like chinese, japanese, russian, arabic etc.
Good directory names are: lets just simplify it by listing the good characters, these are regular alphabetical characters A through Z, then numeric characters or digits 0-1. Also period '.' and underscrore '_' and hyphen '-' are good characters. Although its good to note that FS25 mods cannot have hyphens '-' or periods '.' in the file names. So while your editing dir can have hyphens, official FS25_ tagged mods cannot.
You have to understand that just because Windows Operating System (win7, 8.1, 10 or 11) lets you do something, it doesn't mean its "OK" to do it. For example "New folder" is extremely dumb as it has empty space character on it, this might cause confusion on beginner level computer users as the first thing Bill Gates glorious win operating system (haha) is doing is offering "New document.txt" and "New folder" naming system.
Same goes for Giants Editor for FS25, as seen in the above screenshot it offers your dir name of "My FS 25 Mods", do you notice how there is even space between the "FS" and "25", I mean you truly have to wonder what was the programmer or whoever typed those characters into GE v10.0.3 (used in the screenshot) thinking, heh just crazy stuff.
Hopefully that covers what is special/illegal characters in file and directory names.