Start From Zero PMC Undefined Farms 20km Unofficial - PMC Farming Simulator 22 Stories

Stories from the Farm


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2022-05-12 Big Air Drill Purchase

2022-05-12T23:38:00Z New farming day is starting, long story short some SSD/M.2 hardware installations didn't work, got frustrated and decided to just chill relax and farm on this savegame.

Installed new mods, giants bourgault air drills. And with edited SHIFT-R hotkey.

2022-05-12T23:51:00Z Loading savegame up, its now got 85hrs 9min on it.

Shutdown FS22 to add herbicide buy point, used: v1.1, hopefully it works OK.

Then wanted to see if I could find simple fertilizer and seed production, in giants modhub you have two that looked somewhat OK, although the SEED mod description was from fertilizer, how giants allow such mistakes in the modhub is unforgivable.

Decided to try those mods but on PMC Farm Lab testing environment before messing up my actual savegame. Took at look at them and just got frustrated, these mods felt silly and grind generating, all that hauling of water, fertilizer, herbicide etc just feels childish to me. Yes I know I know its just me now, I have zero interest of any of this nonsense, all I want to do is chill and relax, not play mickey mouse bullcrap games with some retard factories.

2022-05-13T05:38:00Z Heh finished testing wind turbines and solar panels Smiley :)

Tested those few easily find wind turbines like enercon ep4 etc, then checked default giants solar panels and wind turbines, wrote down full season days/months for budget and property maintenance/income. I wanted to learn what these money making placeables are all about with details. In FS19 I already judged such things as cheats, which they are same as FS22 greenhouses are just ridiculous cheat as I tested and experienced it few months back. You can easily make 5 million with large greenhouses producing lettuce, if you spam 20+ of them hehe.

I would really like to add majestic wind turbine to this savegame, but I am not sure about the money, is it too cheaty or even too expensive.

Enercon EP4 with the red slow blinking like is awesome looking landmark, but with purchase price of 500k it would take 8-9 seasons to pay itself back. I truly don't know about the profitability of such placeables, I mean 9 seasons to break even is a lifetime. However after that its 4-6k per day profit just by time accelerating.

Added mod to the PMC default mods dir.

2022-05-13T07:25:00Z I sort of feel like this day got away from me, it got completely out of hand how long time I spent testing those wind turbines and solar panel money maker placeables, it was good farmsim data for sure, but for the scope of just adding one of them to this savegame... yeah it got out of hand big time haha.

Now I feel that this day is half over or more, its not worth to continue playing now as wouldn't manage to get much done before bed time, but maybe that is just wussy talk hehe.

2022-05-13T07:29:00Z Decided to launch this savegame anyways, loaded the new mods in and most likely going to purchase bourgault air drill so seeding can be done in orderly manner.

Unloaded amazone citan 15001-c from seeds and sold it for 125.6k, budget now 3.302m.

Purchased bourgault 3420-100 paralink hoe drill for 430.5k and 71300 air cart for 331.5k. Then I needed a big tractor to pull that drill so bought versatile 4wd 620 with GPS for 413.5k.

Budget now 2.127m.

Purchased 16k + 8k liters of big bags seed. Refilled 25.5k liters of seeds to the bourgault 71300 air cart.

Used fendt 942 vario tractor with kinze 1051 grain cart, its auger did good job overloading into air cart, not necessarily the most realistic thing but works fine in farmsim.

At this point I was honestly quite, well, uninterested, I had no desire, drive or passion to start a planting season. Sure its fun to buy new stuff when you got bunch of money, but yeah the amount of work another planting and harvest season takes is whoaah...

Was looking at my vehicle fleet, with plowing and lime disabled in this savegame, pretty much all my equipment except grain cart is "the best" in-game right now, I could of course get another truck but its not really necessary. If I buy bigger grain cart then I need more powerful tractor to pull it too, as I really don't want to use versatile 4wd 620 to pull it as its slow as crap, would need to buy fendt 1050 vario which is my go-to auger wagon tractor.

Oh and yeah bigger farm bin silo complex of course, once we buy more land... the amount of grain we pull off the fields is going to be crazy, even for soybeans with lowest yield, imagine then some corn harvest hoh Smiley :)

2022-05-13T07:54:00Z Decided to make this permanent, saved game, there is no going back on these purchases now, we are committed.

2022-05-13T08:23:00Z Had a lunch.

Was looking around for new farm yards and wrote one bug/issue report about central west region being suitable for more farm yards, but dunno I just could not get back into the farming groove. Was not tired or exhausted or anything, but just didnt get the magic feeling, ya know... heh.

2022-05-13T08:44:00Z Saved game and shut down FS22.

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