PMC Farming Simulator 22 (FS22) Stories
2023-10-05T10:17:00Z New farming day has started, just woke up from good over 8hrs sleep, did the mandatory computer morning chores, now its time to sell rest of the silage bales.
This savegame now has 73hrs 40min on it.
Silage price is 618 at Animal Dealer. I think there is still 4 silage bale piles around F06 left.
2023-10-05T10:26:00Z Sold silage bales at Animal Dealer, budget now 1.522m.
Just finished moving yesterdays second part of the story text to its web page and proof read it. OK so today I'm not going to farm very long, hopefully can get all the silage bales sold but after that I'll switch to my real life chore activities, I might return to farming tonight but kind of hoping that I wont, this kind of "two parter" gaming sessions per day are lame. In fact I've been thinking about "life" a lot lately that is any real life chore worth the time it takes away from my regular ArmA 3 / Farming Simulator 19 (and fs22) editing and playing, nope, not in my world.
Correction, there was five (5) silage bale piles left by F06 adges when I woke up / started today.
More about the real life chores taking away my usual daily time, on oct 24th Cities Skylines 2 is released, I will download that and hopefully play it all day every day for maybe two weeks straight if its any good, it looks and new features are good but it doesn't necessarily mean it will be a great city building game, for example FS22 is dumped down for conzole peasants frigging garbage compared to FS19, ArmA 4 Reforger is frigging conzole peasant kiddie trash as well, so not all new games are automatically good. Yes I'm playing FS22 here but only because PMC Terrains, I have a plan to go back to FS19 once these animal studies are done (PMC Farm Lab animal studies is done and this animal game-mode #1 savegame I'm playing now will last a long time but I'll put it to back burner very soon, within days I think).
2023-10-05T10:41:00Z Sold silage bales at Animal Dealer, budget now 1.605m.
So oct 24th I get to play Cities Skylines 2 and see if its any good, either oct 25th I return to my regular schedule if the game sucks and if it truly is great sequel, then as said I continue playing at least two weeks straight 17hrs days, two weeks is just approximation it might be 5 days or a month who knows.
At some point I want to return to ArmA 3 / Farming Simulator 19 editing and website work because I have so much work queued that it will take months to get through all of that.
But yeah anyways, back to selling silage bales, should not be many anderson rbm2000 trailer loads left.
2023-10-05T10:56:00Z Sold silage bales at Animal Dealer, budget now 1.687m.
Sending tractor back to F06 and with that its time to eat days first meal, getting hungry here...
2023-10-05T11:14:00Z Sold silage bales at Animal Dealer, budget now 1.770m.
2023-10-05T11:26:00Z Feeding time is over, back to selling silage bales.
While I was eating, loaded one anderson rbm2000 silage bale load with one hand as I was shoveling food to my pie hole. Now that last load of bales is heading towards Animal Dealer, soon this silage bale selling festival is over...
2023-10-05T11:29:00Z Sold silage bales at Animal Dealer, budget now 1.852m.
Oh wow look at that budget, so much money from silage bales, just wow!
Returned to the farm yard and parked anderson rbm2000 away, checked animals and spawn points, all good for time acceleration, its now aug in-game 1914hrs.
Sep in-game 0924hrs all animal barns are now full, chickens 360 and sheeps 65, all max to the capacity. Today is the first day of barley planting season, now with amazone citan 15001-c seeder I'm going to start seeding F13. Yeah I have not much time left in my farming day, but I'll get it started anyways even though I might not be able to finish it today.
First diesel refueled massey ferguson, she was getting low. Then refilled amazone citan 15001-c seeder as it was not full either, then headed to F13.
2023-10-05T11:41:00Z Started seeding barley F13, courseplay ETA 1hrs 10min.
Okay this field work course will not be finished before my real life chores begin, but I'll let tractor run as long as possible. Putting some barley into the ground, good stuff.
I'm greatly enjoying my morning farming session here, but I'm sad because it will be cut short very soon. The more I think about it, the more I miss my old life when I was editing and playing "video games" 17hrs a day every day of the year
This crap cant go on, I have to forget my real life chores and get back to my old life of editing ArmA 3 etc, I just don't enjoy life as it is now. Whats the point of being in this earth if you don't do what you want?
Man I cant wait for oct 24th when Cities Skylines 2 is released and I am definitely getting some "me time" to just play it all day every day. But hopefully I could somehow arrange more arma/farming time even before that, 24th is now only 18 or 19 days away depending how you count it, over two weeks or crap before getting into the good stuff.
This animal game-mode #1 savegame has been very enjoyable, I love growing my farm with all the "growing pains" included, but now its easy to smile as you have 1.850m in the budget, this allows me to buy farmland and pig barn with necessary equipment for sure, that Meridian TL 12-39 auger pipe wont cost much, then I need to figure out the pig feeding tool pipeline, I already repeated myself few times speaking about it so I wont do it again.
So now I'm wondering... could that money stretched at the same time to cover first cattle or dairy cow barn as well, the barn yes of course but the necessary equipment... not so sure, I don't even remember all the things needed, I mean it depends on how thorough or "good" you want this vehicle fleet be, you can do silage with a simple mower and bale wrapper as I just did yesterday, but a big cattle / cow operation requires corn forage chopper when you start to do those millions of liters of corn silage, that requires silage trailer / wagon, silage bunker, big tractor with a silage leveling blade and TMR mixer... just from top of my head. Now that kind of vehicle fleet is going to be extremely expensive, if we think about case ih steiger 620 wheeled tractor for example thats already half a million alone... so yeah, a big boy cattle / dairy cow operation is not cheap by any means.
2023-10-05T11:56:00Z Two headlands complete on F13 seeding field work course, amazone citan 15001-c seed tank is 4155 liters (58%) capacity now, wow it goes through those seeds FAST!
Copy-pasted herbicide spraying and fertilizing lines below so I don't forget to spray F13 this time around
2023-10-05T12:26:00Z Amazone citan 15001-c is out of seeds, this is perfect time for me to call it a day here, I would be amazoned (no pun intended) if I'd have energy tonight to return to this savegame, but never say never...
2023-10-05T12:28:00Z Saved game and exited FS22, cu next time.
2023-10-05T20:35:00Z I'm back, at this time still haven't even eat my days third meal which gives me another almost 5hrs of farming time, so time to continue that barley seeding and go from there
2023-10-05T20:38:00Z Amazone citan 15001-c seeder tank refilled and back on the field work course, 24min to go...
Its pretty cool that I still got so many hours of farming time left for today, but again a bit scared of how off the whack my sleeping schedule is for tomorrow morning, it might be extremely late. But its friday and then sat-sun it doesn't matter at all, so hopefully its all good.
As of tonight, hmm finish barley seeding, herbicide spray and fertilizer spread the field to finish up the whole planting season, then... umm no idea actually. Maybe I should start to spend that massive 1.850m budget I have, buy the pig barn and related equipment... its scary to make such huge long lasting decisions, but hey this animal farming empire doesn't build itself so gotta man up and make those decisions
But for now, seeding and waiting for the days third meal to come up...
2023-10-05T21:02:00Z Finished seeding barley F13.
Went to mop up those courseplay-gui garbage corner leftovers, just to make the field look nice.
2023-10-05T21:08:00Z Started herbicide spraying F13, courseplay ETA 56min.
Oh man this spraying task will take forever, hmm cant remember how many refills it required, at least one for sure. But it has to be done, so here I go. Now I wish that my farm had another tractor, I could go mow grass on F06. No reason why I couldn't buy a tractor right now, but I just want to save my wealth for the pig barn expansion so I can buy proper vehicles and equipment.
Checked out farmlands that where could I place the large pig barn aka hogg shed, well farmland ID 1 is the original new farmer game-mode players farm yard, its got plenty of space for a pig barn and two cattle sheds, or perhaps cattle shed and dairy cow barn. That would be pretty cool setup.
Its of course not right next door from my current farm yard so massey ferguson definitely will get some hours in it driving back and forth. Most likely I'd buy some local equipment which would stay in that yard permanently, for example if TMR mixing wagon would be there then bale storage building and telehandler would be there also. Not sure though where I'm going to put silage bunker, hmm.
Its not rocket science and this savegames purpose was to find out how things work and DON'T work, so even if I make a mistakes with the farm growth choices, its not such a big deal, any lesson learned is valuable for future game plays and other people to read upon.
I should be enthusiastic to buy stuff and see how things work, but I'm still very cautious and have to think carefully what to buy so it wont be a huge mistake
2023-10-05T21:23:00Z Now its my lunch break, I'm starvin'...
2023-10-05T21:48:00Z Feeding time is over, back to herbicide spraying.
2023-10-05T21:48:00Z Kubota sprayer ran out of herbicide, yes the exact same minute I returned from feeding, no joke.
Purchased 2 * 2k liter herbicide tank for 2.4k. Then refilled kubota sprayer.
2023-10-05T21:52:00Z Back to spraying, not much left, just over ten minutes...
2023-10-05T22:02:00Z Finished herbicide spraying F13.
This spraying did not change field ground texture color btw, no idea why.
2023-10-05T22:06:00Z Started fertilizing F13, courseplay ETA 38min.
Barley planting season almost over, just one more task and then its a wrap
2023-10-05T22:42:00Z Finished fertilizing F13.
Then fertilized the corner missed spots as well, perfect 100% fertiliziation or go home
2023-10-05T22:49:00Z Fed chickens, visually checked egg and wool spawn points, still have a little bit room, guess farm is good to go for some time acceleration again. Oh my farm yard gives atrociously bad 35-45FPS performance when looking at all the placeables, vehicles, implements, pallets and bales... I really REALLY need to get a vehicle shed with wall occluder and perhaps even distribute some vehicles elsewhere, for example claas lexion 8900 is only used once a year (guess same could be said for amazone citan 15001-c as well).
Next up is nov, eggs best market price, ahh finally I get to sell those mountains of egg pallets from the farm yard as last year I missed the best market price selling day
Oct in-game 0917hrs chicken egg pallets are stacking up so high now that I'm afraid to time accelerate next day, need to collect wool and egg pallets to make some room. First collected all wool pallets into edge of the farm yard, then collected all egg pallets by the driveway, man the performance with all those pallets is atrociously bad, I need to sell them as soon as possible.
Nov in-game 0957hrs overnight got notification that eggs are 4310 at Six Global AG Corp selling point. Time saving stock check shows eggs: 240,618 liters. Going to time accelerate one hour at the time observing how market price moves, when it stalls or starts dropping, its time to sell.
At in-game 1108hrs its 4302, ouch its already dropping, OK OK starting to haul, luckily Six Global AG Corp is right next to my farm yard.
2023-10-05T23:15:00Z Sold eggs at Six Global AG Corp for 136.7k.
Nice haul
Recorded autodrive network waypoint routes for Six Global AG Corp selling point, which felt stupid because I already did it once in this savegame but those waypoints got erased when I synced the official autodrive MASTER config file to this computer.
2023-10-05T23:23:00Z Sold eggs at Six Global AG Corp for 144.2k. This sell broke the magical 2 million limit, budget now 2.122m
2023-10-05T23:28:00Z Sold eggs at Six Global AG Corp for 142.8k.
2023-10-05T23:33:00Z Sold eggs at Six Global AG Corp for 142.6k.
2023-10-05T23:38:00Z Sold eggs at Six Global AG Corp for 139.1k.
2023-10-05T23:43:00Z Sold eggs at Six Global AG Corp for 134.5k. This load was 30.9k liters of eggs and 607 liters of wool, as there was one lone wool pallet.
2023-10-05T23:49:00Z Sold eggs at Six Global AG Corp for 139.2k. This load was 32.2k liters of eggs and 323 liters of wool, this was the last full load, now farm yard only has leftover egg pallets.
2023-10-05T23:54:00Z Sold eggs at Six Global AG Corp for 59.3k. This was every single last egg pallet on the farm yard, aayeah.
Budget now 2.880m oh my!
Guess we can put the question to rest now about can you make money with animal farming
Back at the farm yard fed chickens and well, then it was again time to see what is the next seasonal event, there is bunch of wool to be sold and well guess a bit honey too but somehow honey selling power / value is degreasing by the minute for me, its just pays nothing and you get so little of it as explained previously in this farming story, dunno probably in the future I'll just don't even place bee hives anymore unless I want to run production building for cereal which requires honey.
Looks like mar is honey best market price day, then apr / may wool best market price and jun is beginning of barley harvest season.
But yeah I guess I'm "subconciously" avoiding the big decision how to grow the farm, what kind of pig barn and perhaps even cow barn setup I buy. This is so silly
Yeah I have to make a decision now, buy pig barn at least, as I have gone through pig food issue few times I wont do it again. As for cattle / dairy cow barns, hmm those require so complex set of vehicles to feed and get animal product (milk, slurry, manure) off from them that uuh it requires complex planning, writing down all those vehicles and prices, I'll do "cattle pack cheapest" and "the best" list I think.
2023-10-06T00:16:00Z Got animal placeable names and prices written down, its a beginning
2023-10-06T00:30:00Z Got silage bunkers, manure heaps, liquidmanure tanks and some misc animal related stuff written down.
Okay so here is the deal, I cannot come up with any sane method of feeding pigs, large amounts of hoggs, without a pig food capable trailer and buying station placeable, its just not doable to buy 1k liter pig food big bags 8 each, refilling them into a trailer and then dumping into hogg barn silo, you go nuts if you start to do that grind every other day for thousands of liters. I had errors in the log buying station placeable in my PMC Farm Lab Animal Studies mod-set but I obviously wont be using that anymore, I don't know any other tested buying stations which sell pig food. I don't know any tested production building placeables for pig food mixing either. This really stresses me out, how to feed the pigs without going nuts...
2023-10-06T00:45:00Z Googled some pig food mixers but that just got me even more frustrated, this is not the time to start looking for mods for game-play, it ends up in some hasty mod selections and bad choices. Hrr heck, do I really have to buy pig food as bags and haul that with a trailer before I come up with more industrial scale solution, aargh
2023-10-06T01:04:00Z Finished collecting new vehicle / equipment info and prices. Now need to collect them into packs.
Pigs: - placeable animals pigsty (large) 2400 hogg barn (mod) 250k - auger pipe meridian tl 12-39 (loading from silo) 14.5k === 264.5k
Cattle / dairy cows: - forage wagon strautmann magnon cfs 530 do with silage additives tank 134.5k - fork magsi bale fork 0.9k - harvester jaguar 980 with extra large pipe 489k - header 9m claas orbis 900 forage harvester 120k - leveler 5m holaras mes 500 7.5k - mixer wagon 22k liters siloking trailedline 4.0 premium 2218-22 45k - placeable animals beef shed 500 cattle (mod) 100k - placeable animals cow barn (large) 80 cows 518.5k - placeable bunkersilo large 25m x 34m planET (silage bunker) 140k - telehandler 129hp 40km/h manitou mlt 737-130 ps+ 98k - tractor 692hp case ih steiger wheeled afs connect series with 620 engine upgrade twin wheels + weights and guidancesteering 508.9k - trailer 55k liters penta db50 with silage extension 61.5k === 2.223m
Oh wow, that cattle / cow pack costs a fortune. That steiger 620 is of course questionable, its purpose in this pack is solely for leveling silage bunker, for that purpose... it might be overkill, I bet there are other twin wheel heavy tractors which would do the same job just as fine but with much less than half a million price tag. But yeah, having cattle / cow operation is definitely not cheap. Oh and also farmland needs to be bought, it would be extra 50k or so.
I do have that money now, but man... its such an huge upgrade hehe. Its interesting how dirt cheap that pig barn setup would be in comparison, when you just buy the pig food from the dealership and haul it manually using trailer. Hmm, wonder if I could manage that before the hogg herd gets into such size that it requires too much food what I can haul using big bags, hmm.
One funny side note for the cattle / dairy cow operation, it includes all those fancy equipment for corn chaff harvest... but not actually any farmland for corn fields
Of course I could use F06 and F13, but yeah well. Hmm wonder if I could setup feeding vehicles, placeables and equipment first before purchasing the actual cattle / dairy cow barn, hmm. That would ease me into the confidence that I do have the capability to feed those hungry animals and would give time to prepare the food (silage for example) in advance, on my previous animal studies savegame I had to buy food for cows few times before my own fields started to produce crops.
2023-10-06T01:32:00Z Was unable to make a decision, so just fed chickens, pushed another bale to Sheep Barn 1, saved game and shutdown FS22, I'll make decisions tomorrow...
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