Bale wrapping and bale collecting is handled with the same function it appears, in the mini GUI / HUD you see them listed together. All you have to do is to go to the gui garbage menu pressing ESC and choosing the steering wheel AI helpers menu, set field position and target position, you can either select start job from this menu or come back to 3D world and engage courseplay from the mini GUI / HUD panel.
Using Kuhn SW 4014 bale wrapper courseplay will do pretty good job wrapping grass bales, there seems to be no issues with collision detection (single tractor in a large field), bales just get wrapped nicely.
If you drive manually you can save a lot of time as you can drive to the next grass bale while current one is being wrapped, with courseplay, the tractor always stops during wrapping phase which makes sense and is totally fine. If you are pressed on time, drive yourself, if you want automated hands-free operation, use courseplay.
Update: courseplay v7.3.1.2 (or .3 cant recall) bale collecting function is not working properly, you get "no path found" error every few minutes when trying to collect bales. On previous courseplay versions on the same field, same tractor and anderson rbm2000 bale collector this has been working just fine.