Changelog for PMC Korkscrew 40km FS22 terrain. See known issues from bottom of this page. Also check out Dev Diary PMC Korkscrew 40km.
- korkscrew 40km terrain project started
- korkscrew 40km icon.xcf and preview.xcf images created
- korkscrew 40km brand new terrain project dir created
- korkscrew 40km icon.xcf and preview.xcf images created (again)
- korkscrew 40km vehicle shop triggers created
- korkscrew 40km infolayer level images created
- korkscrew 40km resized infolayer images to 32768 res
- korkscrew 40km first ever 40km fs22 terrain in-game
- korkscrew 40km resized density images to 16384
- korkscrew 40km l3dt generated smooth rolling hills heightmap
- korkscrew 40km gimp design doc painting
- korkscrew 40km created
- korkscrew 40km Error: Blocked area map is wrong size for terrain, fixed
- korkscrew 40km sun bbox min/max changed to 20480
- korkscrew 40km bale selling point is missing
- korkscrew 40km grain bins missing
- korkscrew 40km selling points are missing
- korkscrew 40km forest tree lines missing
- korkscrew 40km utility poles missing
- korkscrew 40km field definitions missing
- korkscrew 40km vehicle shop 3d building missing
- korkscrew 40km farmland image detailed farm yards etc fields missing
- korkscrew 40km field dividers painted to design doc
- korkscrew 40km trailerparkfarms vehicle sheds added to new farmer
- korkscrew 40km trailerparkfarms vehicle sheds added to location-0x farm yards
- korkscrew 40km rocks_density is blacked out
- korkscrew 40km updated icon/preview images
- korkscrew 40km terrain project dir renamed from PMC_Test_Farm_40km
- korkscrew 40km mapus floating tutorial icons removed
- korkscrew 40km new farmer starter vehicles.xml unpacked in
- korkscrew 40km selling point accepted filltypes for bales updated
- korkscrew 40km v0.1 released
2022-02-12T23:14:00Z Updated.
- korkscrew 40km utility poles have no wires
- korkscrew 40km asphalt road 3d model meshes missing