Mods Placeable Selling Point Farming Simulator 19 - PMC Farming

Mods Placeable Selling Point for Farming Simulator 19 (FS19) by PMC. Selling points that player can place, these are very handy in some special cases where terrain/game-mode doesn't provide good enough selling point coverage. Also there are some very nice large grain bin complexes for just general terrain visuals which happen to be also selling points.

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Mods Placeable Selling Point

MA Granary Sell Point

v1.0 by ccs101. From modDesc: MA Granary Sell Point

Notes: massive sell point decoration. However this is the Nebraska Lands(?) sell point where you have to back up your trailer into, so basically you can forget courseplay use then and even with manual driving this is very frustrating. Okay it looks nice from a distance (assuming clip distance value is large) but honestly without courseplay functionality... I don't see me never using this, I remember how frustrated I was when trying out nebraska lands and did couple of unloads into this. Tested 2021-06-04 no errors.

Bale Sell Point And Storage

v by . From modDesc:


Notes: A pack of 3 Bale Sell Points with Storage, working door and light at night. You can sell all types of bales at this Selling Station.

Giants Modhub