Mods Placeable Object Farming Simulator 19 - PMC Farming

Mods Placeable Object for Farming Simulator 19 (FS19) by PMC. Any kind of placeable object that does not fit into other categories like animal building, vehicle building, grain building, container, etc. Generic placeable objects.

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Mods Placeable Object

USA State Flag Poles

v by . From modDesc:

Notes: error in the log so yeah its a no go, deletion for all these flag mods.

Error: Failed to find child 0 from node flagFlutteringSound, only 0 childs given


Fertilizer Fill w/Auger

v1.0 by cjwilksy. From modDesc: Fertilizer Fill Station w/Auger

Notes: Fertilizer buy point placeable. On previous testing it gave xml error and had texture shimmering but testing it again wihout any mods it ran without errors and could not see much of shimmering heh. The fertilizer text is pretty hard to read. Huge silo relative for being fertilizer.


Seeds Fill w/Auger

v1.0 by cjwilksy. From modDesc: Seeds Fill Station w/Auger

Notes: Seeds buy point placeable. The seeds text is pretty hard to read. Huge silo relative for being seeds.


US Farm House Natural

v1.0 by Fabricator. From modDesc: US Farm House Natural. walk up to front door to sleep

Notes: Okay looking farmhouse, as its called US natural farmhouse I would have to assume its american style then, looks fine to me.


Lime Placeable filling station

v by . From modDesc:

Liquid Fertilizer Placeable filling station

v by . From modDesc:

Seeds Placeable filling station

v by . From modDesc:

Fertilizer Placeable filling station MP

v by . From modDesc:

Placeable Solar Panels

v1.0.4 by MechMods, GIANTS Software. From modDesc: Solar panel 750 W.
Price: 75000 eur
Income per hour:
Easy Mode: 205 eur
Normal Mode: 165 eur
Hard Mode: 125 eur
Maintenance: 15 eur / day

Solar panel 1500 W.
Price: 100000 eur
Income per hour:
Easy Mode: 410 eur
Normal Mode: 330 eur
Hard Mode: 250 eur
Maintenance: 20 eur / day

Solar panel 3000 W.
Price: 150000 eur
Income per hour:
Easy Mode: 820 eur
Normal Mode: 660 eur
Hard Mode: 500 eur
Maintenance: 25 eur / day


Manure Trading System

v1.0 by Holger Sengstock. From modDesc: ?

This set consists of two placeable objects.

At the MANURE SHOP you can buy manure for fertilization or resale. With the MANURE TRADER, you can sell the excess manure from your stables, or resell the previously acquired manure.

You can find the placeable objects from this mod among the placeable objects in the miscellaneous category. You can place these objects freely on the areas of the map, as far as they belong to you.

The Manure Shop and the Manure Trader are available in the Easy or Profi Mode. In the Easy Mode you can buy or sell the Manure on the Front of the Object. For loading and unloading in the Profi Mode version please drive into the heap.

+ the objects are also displayed in the PDA and you can jump directly to them
+ at the Manure Trader, there are now and again great demands for manure

PMC Essential Mod Modhub

Lime Station

v1.0 by stefan1997. From modDesc: With this free placeable lime silo you can fill your lime spreader directly at the Farm.

2019-02-21 tested and works OK. Basic lime station placeable from trusted giants modhub.

PMC Essential Mod Modhub

Millennial Farmhouse

v1.0 by Mappers Paradize. From modDesc:

Notes: 2022-10-15T15:01:00Z tested, no errors, works as advertised.


Farmer Schubi's Seed Production

v1.0.5.1 by Farmer Schubi. From modDesc:

Notes: farmer_schubi's seed production. Used extensively in PMC Grande Gardens 16km savegames. However production rate is really high, it produces way too much product in 24hrs, this value can be edited in the fillTypeMover.lua script, but that requires permissions from farmer_schubi. This mod is all GERMAN language :(

From 90% grain (wheat, barley or oats) and 10% fertilizer seeds are produced. The grain and the fertilizer can also be removed again, as long as it has not become seed yet.

Farmer Schubi's Fertilizer Production

v1.0.5.1 by Farmer Schubi. From modDesc:

Notes: farmer_schubi's fertilizer production. Used extensively in PMC Grande Gardens 16km savegames. However production rate is really high, it produces way too much product in 24hrs, this value can be edited in the fillTypeMover.lua script, but that requires permissions from farmer_schubi. This mod is all GERMAN language :(

Translation: dunger == fertilizer

Farmer Schubi's Liquid Fertilizer Production

v1.0.5.1 by Farmer Schubi. From modDesc:

Notes: farmer_schubi's liquid fertilizer production. Used extensively in PMC Grande Gardens 16km savegames. However production rate is really high, it produces way too much product in 24hrs, this value can be edited in the fillTypeMover.lua script, but that requires permissions from farmer_schubi. This mod is all GERMAN language :(

Produces from 250 liters of fertilizer and 250 liters of water per minute 500 liters of liquid fertilizer. This is 30,000 liters per hour and 720,000 liters per day (that is, a lot).

Translation: dunger == fertilizer

Farmer Schubi's Diesel Fuel Production

v1.0.5.1 by Farmer Schubi. From modDesc:

Notes: I don't think Farmer_Schubi's diesel factory is a good idea because of the cost. 1000 liters of canola produces very little diesel but could be sold to like close to 2000, with that 2000 you would buy so much diesel from the vertex design fuel tank placeable you would refill several vehicles.

Vertex Design fuel tank placeable costs 5933. One full refill of 3750 liter thundercreek fuel trailer costs 4218 which is nothing really.

If you dump 70,000 liters of canola into farmer_schubis diesel fuel factory, it produces... umm maybe 20,000 liters of diesel fuel? Sorry I don't know right now, but something like that. You get like few refills for thundercreek trailer and then its gone. If you sell 70k liters of canola at best market price its 163,030 cash profit. With that money you can refill thundercreek trailer from vertex design fuel tank total of 38 (!) times.

I mean really, do I need to spell it out for you? Smiley :D

Diesel and pig food. Accepts: diesel canola sunflower pigfood. Rapeseed becomes 10% diesel and 90% pig food. 500 liters of rapeseed are consumed per minute and 50 liters of diesel and 450 liters of pig food are produced. This is 3000 liters of diesel and 27,000 liters of pig food per hour, 72,000 liters of diesel and 648,000 liters of pig food per day.

Farmer Schubi's Lime Production

v1.0.5.1 by Farmer Schubi. From modDesc:

Notes: farmer_schubi's lime production. Used extensively in PMC Grande Gardens 16km savegames. However production rate is really high, it produces way too much product in 24hrs, this value can be edited in the fillTypeMover.lua script, but that requires permissions from farmer_schubi. This mod is all GERMAN language :(

From 5000 liters of water, 1000 liters of lime are extracted.

Farmer Schubi's Total Mixed Ration (TMR) Production

v1.1 by Farmer Schubi. From modDesc:

Notes: seems to work as expected, all german text, display and log file writings. Inputs hay, straw and silage, outputs total mixed ration. This is clearly older version of Farmer Schubi's work.,