Mods Placeable Container Farming Simulator 19 - PMC Farming

Mods Placeable Container for Farming Simulator 19 (FS19) by PMC. Generally speaking "container" means an storage where you can put and take out product, this can be solid fertilizer, seeds, diesel, liquid fertilier, herbicide, root crops, silage, etc.

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Mods Placeable Container

HoT Fillables

v1.2.0.19 by SanAndreas. From modDesc: HoT Fillables

Notes: includes big liquid manure (slurry?) storage, little liquid manure (slurry?) storage, big digestate storage, little digestate storage, milk house and water tank. I assume these are as name says fillable, so you can put these fill types into them, then later take it out. Looks like german language text on some placeables. No idea where I got them, searching today I only find some global company versions which these do not appear to be (at least cant find any "GC" scripts). Tested 2021-06-04 no errors.


Liquid Manure Tank

v by . From modDesc:


Notes: looks nice in modhub pictures, but no description of what is it except looks nice as placeable. can you buy? store? what he heck is it for?

Giants Modhub

Fueltank 5000l

v1.0.1 by VertexDezign. From modDesc:

Notes: Nice looking model, you can BUY fuel from this, it is not for storing fuel. Work as expected.

Giants Modhub

Meridian FuelTank and BulkBins

v1.0 by . From modDesc:

Notes: Quote: Here’s the next gift for you guys. The first is my fuel tank from Lincoln Creek made to be placeable. The second is a set of commodity bulk tanks. They are placeable and fill seed, solid fertilizer and lime. There were some previously released that were poorly done and I decided to fix them up by scaling them down to proper size, retexturing with UDIM and adjusting the scripting as well as some model fixes and reducing file sizes.

Meridian Bin Pack

v1.0 by . From modDesc:

Notes: Quote: Well its sorta an unexpected release, this was the bin pack released for FS17 which i redid for 19 and now deciding to share with everyone. you can fill and empty them using the augers released by Diniz Farms - Farming Simulator Modding which you can find the post on his page. All credits in modDesc

Meridan Fuel Tank

v1.0 by RAND0Msparks. From modDesc: Meridan Fuel Tank

Notes: In the mod selection screen nice typo in the name for all places "Meridan" heh. However if you forget that typo, the model itself looks nice and works as expected, you can refuel from it.


Fueltank 5000l

v1.0 by VertexDezign - Niggels. From modDesc: The 5000 liter fueltank suites best for your small farm. The small footprint allows to place the fueltank even in the smalles areas. Save the long way to the next fuelstation.

The 5000 liter fueltank suites best for your small farm. The small footprint allows to place the fueltank even in the smalles areas.

2019-02-21 tested and works OK. Solid little placeable fuel tank where you can refuel your vehicles. Yes this placeable doesnt need fuel carried over to it, this basically creates fuel out of thin air. Just wanted to be clear about the function of this placeable, I thought first this just stores the fuel.

PMC Essential Mod Modhub

Placeable filling stations – all in one! v1.6

v by . From modDesc:
Everything in one package and useable in MP! Placeable close to each other, does not change ground texture.
Price: 5.000
Daily costs: 5
By Dirty

Placeable Refill Tanks

v1.0 by GIANTS Software. From modDesc: Seed, solid fertilizer, liquid fertilizer and herbicide tanks which are placeable on the map.

Note: Refilling will cost you a higher price for seed/fertilizer/herbicide than buying it in BigBags/pallets/etc at the Shop. For some odd reason these refill tanks do NOT include lime, which unfortunately means you should probably just get some community made refill station pack instead.


v2018-11-20 by Giants BDBSSB. From modDesc: BD Liquid Manure Tank.

2019-02-21 tested and works OK. Nice little round tank to refill your slurry spreaders.

PMC Essential Mod - PMCTODO add link?

Root Crop Storage

v1.0 by Dogface. From modDesc: This building is for storage of Potatoes and Beets. This building functions like a Silo or Hayloft, but for root crops. The building and conveyor belts are authentic to how root crops are actually stored.

Price: 90000 eur
Capacity: 300000 l
Maintenance: 40 eur / day

2019-02-21 tested and works OK. Capacity 300,000 liters.

PMC Essential Mod Modhub