Mods Game-play for Farming Simulator 19 (FS19) by PMC. These are mods that do not add any vehicles or implements but simply modify how farmsim game runs or behaves. It could be as simple as removing crosshairs, adding real time clock or as complex as guidanceSteering (GPS) or other automated tools. Overall game-play mods are transparent which enhance farming gaming experience by adding, tweaking or removing some features.
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v by . From modDesc:
Notes: This game-play improvement mod can be used to create waypoints to a network of routes for vehicles to drive autonomously. Once setup you can tell a tractor which is anywhere close to the network to drive to any point, such as the shop, field 1 or to a sell point.
AutoDrive waypoints need to be recorded on both sides of the road to avoid collisions. Open / close GUI by the X in top-right corner or with ALT-keypad zero. You can move the GUI box by LMB dragging from the top header bar. Edit mode is the yield icon on GUI bottom right corner. Record a path is the usual REC icon. Record icon turns red is for one way and purple is two way paths. Toggle connection between icon connects paths together. Update path must be clicked to make the paths work. Select path: use the left/right "arrow" icons, start by hitting the commit icon (circle with line up at the top, ugh difficult to explain).
Giants Modhub and original link from
v by . From modDesc:
Notes: v1.1 update on 2019-04-08. Displays the vehicles of your own farm (driver, vehicle name, condition, capacity). Trailers and attachments are grouped with the respective tractor. Multiplayer: Normally only vehicles of the own farms are displayed, unless a player of the own farm controls a vehicle of another farm. The display can be switched with the key combination CTRL + NUM6 (normal, long, short). Further settings can be made in the file Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2019\modSettings\Inspector\Inspector.xml. This XML file can be reloaded without restarting the game with CTRL + NUM9.
v by . From modDesc:
Notes: Makes the daytime dark colored HUD invisible against darker shade objects.
v by Wopster. From modDesc:
Notes: This mod enforces you to attach/detach tools and trailers manually. 2019-08-08 big bud 747 + seedhawk did not work, I could not turn on the seeder, I guess it needs a PTO and manual attach enforces that?
Attach/Detach implements: When attaching an implement the script forces the implement to stay at it's lowered state. There are some exceptions made for frontloaders, skidsteers, shovels, telehandlers, combines and hooklift implements. You're still able to attach and detach those implements without having to leave your vehicle.
Note: The connection hoses and power take off still require to be attached manually for those implements. In order to detach, the implement needs to be lowered first! Also make sure that the power take off and connection hoses are detached before detaching the implement.
The mod disables attaching and detaching from inside the vehicle (exceptions are mentioned above). Like the mod title already suggests it’s not possible anymore to do the quick switches between implements.. get out that vehicle for real this time!
Attach/Detach power take off: Hit Z in order to attach/detach the power take off. Keep in mind that a tool needs a power take off, otherwise it can't be turned on! Attach/Detach connection hoses: Hold Z (for a short amount of time) in order to attach/detach the connection hoses.
Without attached connection hoses the following can occur: You won't be able to control hydraulics (e.g. moving parts, folding, use ridge markers etc). You won't be able to use the lights. Brakes will be blocked.
v by . From modDesc:
Notes: You can (de)activate the tabbing of the current vehicle with CTRL-T. In Multiplayer the parking state is only set for yourself. The state is saved in single player and in multiplayer. Works great, if you do not want to use vehicle explorer or wait until Decker releases his vehicle group switcher (2021-06-11 looks like Decker is not about to port his vehicle group switcher to FS19), this is a must mod.
v1.0 by LTW. From modDesc:
Notes: This script extends the time scale up to a maximum of "9000". The additional values can be switched by pressing "lctrl + KP_plus" and "lctrl + KP_minus". Press the key "7" or "8" to reset the time scale to "1" or "120". The time scale can only be changed by an admin.
Works OK, hit CTRL-+ (control and keypad plus) enough times for the crazy 9000 speed time acceleration, then just 7 once to return into real time. Without seasons field growth stage goes to "sleep" if you time accelerate faster than 120 (dunno how much, 300 already is too much), so in my opinion it is not wise to use mods for time acceleration without seasons, and just use 120 in-game one. With seasons its safe to use 6000 speed time acceleration when skipping days.
v1.0 by Wopster. From modDesc: Cultivator Field Creator. This mod allows you to toggle field creation for all cultivators.
Notes: Works great, so nice to create new fields with cultivators as well.
v1.0 by Haverdaden. From ModDesc: Farming Simulator 19 - DashTime
Does not work, its default key binded to 0 which is vehicle honk, it kicks in 1200x time acceleration and bugs often that it gets stuck and it fast forwards like a day even though you are not pressing 0 button at all. Avoid this mod.
v1.0 by Kerbo. From modDesc: Farming Simulator 19 - Fast Forward 6K (Left Ctrl + R).
Works as advertised, hit CTRL-R and you speed up to 6000x time accelleration, whoosh!
v1.0 by Grisu118 - Vertexdezign, Slivicon. From modDesc: Shows the current real time in the upper right corner.
Shows the current real time in the upper right corner. This script creates a configuration xml at first startup in your modfolder. There you can adjust the following:
2019-02-21 tested and works OK. Works as advertized, shows your local computer time on top right corner of the screen. Writes realClock.xml file into mods directory, not in the modsSettings like it should.
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by *TurboStar* | LS-Modcompany
This mod allows you to set different walking speeds for the farmer. Available speeds: x0.2, x0.5, x0.7, standard, x3, x8, x15, x20
v1.0 by Giants Software. From modDesc: Disables the vehicles camera collision.
v1.0 by Wobster. From modDesc: This mod allows you to move and modify the Field Of View of the player camera by mouse. Use the middle mouse button to control the player height. Use the middle mouse button while holding the right mouse button to control the FOV. In order to reset press the middle mouse button once.
v1.0 by apuehri. From modDesc: The night will pass faster than you think! This mod sets the time scale once in the morning and once in the evening on a certain time scale! "Left-Shift" + "0" calls up the settings menu in which the values can be changed. Settings are saved in the savegame. In addition, the keys "Left-Shift" + "7" / "Left-Shift" + "8" can be used to manually change the time scale in finer steps! Buttons only works outside of vehicles!
For those who want automatic night time accelleration this is excellent mod. You can setup time when night starts, how much time accelleration to use from 1x to 300x, then setup when day time starts and same settings there. Works very well.
v by . From modDesc:
This mod adds 3 speed memory to vehicles. With the buttons 1,2,3 the respective speed memory is selected and activated. With Numpad + / - the speed of the selected speed memory can be changed. The buttons can be customized in the game options.
v1.0 by Wopster. From modDesc: Guidance Steering
Guidance Steering is essentially FS19 GPS mod. Default keyboard shortcuts:
CTRL-S Show lines in GUI
ALT-E Set point
ALT-R Auto width
ALT-- Decrease width
ALT-+ Increase width
ALT-X Enable steering
ALT-PAGEUP Shift right
v1.0 by kenny456, Burner. From modDesc: Script for manual attaching all implements, cutters and trailers.
Keyboard shortcuts:
Q attach / detach implement
X attach / detach PTO
SHIFT-A mode(?)
CTRL-A help menu
2019-02-21 tested and works OK. Manual attaching is great, gives you more personal intimate feeling to the implements as its just not hit Q and everything is done. Note: on my previous tests it did give error in the log, but today it did not, go figure. Maybe its some specific mod conflict I dont know, will have to track it down. Edit 2024-12-15T21:23:09Z, wait, isn't this a dupe of Wopsters Manual Attach mod? Hmm.
PMC Essential Mod
v1.0.0.5 by ViperGTS96. From modDesc: Real Dirt Color changes all vehicles/tools dirt color to the surrounding enviroment.
- 10 color variations including: Brown Dirt, Brown Mud, Red Dirt, Red Mud, Grass, Chaff, Manure, Slurry, Lime, and Snow.
- Colors are blended back and forth using a variable speed.
- 2 modes available via xml settings file: "Simple mode" and "Independent wheel mode".
2019-02-21 tested and works OK.
v0.9.0.6 by sperrgebiet. From modDesc: This is a revamp of the good old VehicleSort from FS17. For beginners: VehicleExplorer helps you organize your vehicles, by showing you a list which can be organized, well, sorted by you. Besides that it has a couple of additional functionality. See below.
ALT-V Show/hide vehicle list
ALT-KeyPad Minus Show/hide config menu
KeyPad Enter Enter vehicle
ALT-P Toggle parking
ALT-KeyPad 5 Select item (for moving the vehicle) or to change values in the config
ALT-KeyPad 8 Move up in the list/config
ALT-KeyPad 2 Move down in the list/config
ALT-1 Move up fast in the list/config
ALT-2 Move down fast in the list/config
ALT-R Repair vehicle incl. implements
TAB Next vehicle; VeEx own switch vehicle implementation (necessary to tab through vehicles in your own order)
SHIFT-TAB Previous vehicle; VeEx own switch vehicle implementation (necessary to tab through vehicles in your own order)
Mouse Left: Enter vehicle Mouse Right: Select item/change values in config Mouse Wheel: List up/down
Notes: this has been my standard way of finding and changing vehicles in FS19 since discovering this mod, same goes for FS22 as well. Just excellent mod for any savegame with more than two vehicles.
v1.0 by MX11. From modDesc: ?
This Mod adds 1.000.000 $ to your account by pressing the keys CTRL + ALT + 0. In multiplayer, a player must first join a farm.
v1.0 by apuehri|LS-Modcompany. From modDesc: ?
This mod allows to set the plant- and weed growth time according to your own ideas, it is also possible to adjust the yield and seed consumption! (all adjustments in the "growthcontrol.xml" in the savegame). You can also use "Shift-Left" + "Y" keys to display the approximate remaining time of the current growth step!
+ FS19 first implementation, integration multiplayer, adding weed control
Keyboard shortcuts:
SHIFT-Z view growth times on/off
PMC Essential Mod Modhub
v1.45 Beta by HappyLooser. From modDesc: VehicleInspector
Keyboard shortcuts:
F2 ?
2019-02-21 tested and works OK. Shows glance type status info on top left corner of the screen. No apparent configuration options.
v by . From modDesc:
Notes: This script makes it possible to calculate the application rate of liquidmanure, manure, fertilizer, lime, liquid fertilizer and herbicide to the worked hectare. The application rate is regulated depending on the speed. This means, no matter what speed is applied, the application rate is always adjusted. The script installs itself in all vehicles that have the specialization "sprayer", so in all Slurry spreading devices, syringes, fertilizer spreaders and manure spreaders. The following application rates are possible: Liquid fertilizer / herbicide 100 to 800 liters / hectare. Fertilizer / lime 100 to 9000 liters / hectare. Solid manure 12,000 to 30,000 liters / hectare or 12 to 30 m³ / hectare. Manure 10000 to 45000 liters / hectare or 10 to 45 m³ / hectare.
v0.2 by HappyLooser. from modDesc: DayTimeMoney Hud.
Notes: by default looks stupid, german texts and only thing it adds is real life date and time in effed up german format. Saves modsSettings\DayTimeMoneyHud\dayTimeMoneyHudSettings.xml file which can be edited. But... no idea how it works, its not self explanatory and I'm not about to start learning lua scripting just to configure this little mod.